Out of Character: Guess I should have included Initiative roll in my first post, since I knew we were about to go beat up on some Orcs. Will do so now as we work our way silently towards them as well as Spot and Listen.
As everyone moves into position Jonathan trips over a tree and falls to the ground. The Orcs you have been trying to get around jump to their feet as they ready arms and look around to see who is out there. They are on alert and you no longer have surprise on them. Some have rolled initiative so now it is time for actions and attacks. Four rounds of attacks and damage or special moves. If you did not roll initiative do it with your attack rolls.
Since we no longer have the element of surprise, I will move into as close as I can silently and also be in bow range; I then aim my fire ray at the bunch in front of me. Afterwards shot by bow in the same area taking down as many as I can in the process.
[B]Out of Character: I hope the others were able to get into position as the archers draw there attention to our direction so the others can get into position and engage them.
Throwing the magically infused rock into a dense clump of orcs and away from any that Jonathan targets, I try to affect a single many as possible. Following the explosive rock with my own sleep spell, I hope to remove as many threats as possible. After the effects of the magic has taken, I nock arrows into my bow and shoot into what's left, moving backwards with unnaturally speedy steps, thanks to my boots.
EDIT: Changing from sword strikes to bow attacks, as requested by the leader-guy
Specific Action: throw stone, then next round sleep 4hd of orcs. Regular attacks to follow, with the first two successful hits adding inspiration to damage. Edit: not likely any hits. I also forgot to add Valor bonus of +2 but even so. Move at 40 so I can't easily be caught up with by any ambitious Orcs. I will attempt to gain 1/2 or better cover each time I move.
Edited: Gknightbc on 6th Jul, 2018 - 2:39am
I curse a bit, saying, "Don't panic, stay together and delay contact, fire and retreat, fire and retreat. Target those nearest to us first."
I'll do as suggested, firing and backing off a few paces between shots. "Shouldve replaced those damn fireball scrolls."
Out of Character: note, Thomas' song should add +2 to all attacks while active.
Edited: daishain on 6th Jul, 2018 - 12:52am
Out of character: 1st use move action to get up, fire composite longbow. 2nd Use Quick Draw while charging with the longsword using all of my charging bonuses to try to inflict as much damage on the first swing as possible before using subsequent strikes in the defensive stance take keep the Orcs from being able to solidly hit other people first with stone bones for the damage reduction then Crusader strike for the inevitable damage that's coming. Please keep in mind if I take at least 6 points of damage I get a plus one to hit and damage. After that I would defer 5 damage for as long as I can.
I circie the orc camp with the others. As I hear a loud clanking noise I groan knowing surprise is lost. Riding Ghost, I charge the rear of the orcs with the others. As we close in, I have Ghost slow so I can slide off. Calling upon my newfound allies, a giant crocodile appears up closer to the orcs. I gesture to the orcs and the great beast lumbers forward. It begins swinging it's massive tail and snapping at every orc within reach.
Ghost slams into the orcs, ripping at any exposed flesh. As the crocodile is successful summoned, I wave my club and join my companions in the fray.
Out of Character: : Rachel's first turn she summons the crocodile which will be there to attack for four rounds. She charges in to attack on the 2nd through 4th rounds. Ghost attacks all four rounds. The croc will bite on the first turn and use his tail slap the next three turns. Rachel does 3D6 +3 damage per hit with the club due to the infusions from Jason.
Crocodile AC:14 HP: 22.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 6th Jul, 2018 - 4:17pm
Since sneaking around the orc camp had failed, I would continue with my original plan to offer support to my companions though my performance and the badge if valor. Yet also prepare myself if ir when the need comes, such as uf any orcs get to close.