"Put me on the list! That is an amazing advantage for getting around. I don't need the first one, but when you get around to it, I'd appreciate it. "
Enjoying dinner, and a shower/bath afterwards then a bed. (Unless something changes that plan).
"Yes, even I'd be interested so as to avoid a nasty hit from an enemy weapon or attack," I will say impressed by the ring, though what it did could be considered minor, before adding, "Though I can wait for mine." He was quite the inventive type, providing for the part, and wishing I could provide more. Edited: Thomaslee on 28th Jul, 2018 - 1:30am
"Yes, I would definitely be interested in one of those anklets, would come in handy," Travis says.
I look across the dining hall for a moment as Jason discussed the anklet." I would like one of these as well one day Jason. Items such as this instead of armor or weapons would be useful to me. In the near future I hope to be in animal form during combat and won't need armor or weapons anymore."
I snort with amusement, "Just like with my own family, everyone's too polite to take the first go at something."
I put the anklet on the table and grin foolishly, "Here, I'm going to finish my meal, if somebody doesn't take it by then, I'll put it on myself, so there!"
"In any case, eat up and rest well, looks like we're heading out once again in the morning."
I'll do as I suggest, making one last check on the supplies we have before going to see how the large crossbow I've got Dobby working on for me is coming. I decide to let him keep working on the mechanical components, but take the thick board of hardwood that will be the main frame. I'll work on it myself on the road, I want it to fit my hands especially well after all. Afterwards I'll retire with Thalica, and set up to work on something for the road.
Out of Character: tonight's project, remembering the problem we had with the large group of orcs, will be a fireball scroll with two CL 4 castings on it. Cost 281.4 gp and 30 xp. Rolling UMD checks, DC 23.
Before Jason leaves, he asks, "if I may add one extra thing, for you to make Jason," he says.
"I could do with a divine scroll, in which to scribe spells on, in fact may be better than the anklet," he adds.
I hesitate, "If I take your meaning correctly Travis, I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. I can make a scroll with a divine spell on it for you. Or if you can develop the talent you could do it yourself."
"But aside from sharing my supply of parchment and inking materials, there's nothing I can do to make the latter task easier."
Out of Character: I just remembered, Archivists get the Scribe Scroll feat for free at first level. Travis can make his own scrolls, excellent. He still needs access to the spells to be contained within of course.
I suggest getting started with a stash of healing scrolls. A bunch of lesser vigor scrolls to revive people after a fight would be a great help.
Magic item crafting 101: you need the feat, the ability to cast the spells associated with the item(Or have someone cast it for you), gp, xp, and time. To figure out the last three, take the market value of the end product (25 gp for a basic level 1 scroll), divide the market value by 2 to find out the gold cost of the materials needed, by 25 to find out how much xp must be sacrificed, and by 1000 to find out the crafting time in days. Edited: daishain on 31st Jul, 2018 - 1:50am