Feeling better inside the cave, using a torch and flint to start a small fire to generate some heat.
Does, his best to keep a lookout for trouble, while its his turn to keep watch with someone else.
I stand by Ghost as I look out into the darkness. We don't see darkness at home like this in many places. No light pollution to muffle the light of the stars. Alone in my thoughts, I wonder what my family and friends are doing. They must assume me dead by now. Aching sorrow rips through me. Tears run down my cheeks as I cry quietly. Ghost rubs up against my leg as if he senses my sorrow. I allow myself some moments to mourn as I'm careful to hide these feelings from the others.
Out of Character: : I believe Susan is correct. It should be Vickie, Ghost and I on the last watch.
Still rubbing the raw wound where the stirge had attached, I spend the night restlessly, still hearing that horrible buzzing and slurping sound they made. I had always loathed mosquitoes, the tiny parasites being one of the few downsides to being outside. But those things were so much worse.
Upon hearing the Rachel bring up Spades, "Oh, I'm down for some spades, making cards should be easy peasy. I've been working on a project of my own. Carving Chess pieces. Been using ash from the cooking fires to mark the black pieces and I'm almost done. The board will be just a sheet of wood with ash colored black squares." I pull out my leatherman, "This and the cheapie in my wallet are my only two precise measuring tools, but it's easy to use one tool to make more. As for cards, the only cards I brought with me are magic cards, my Elves and Enchantment deck."
Out of Character: I expect that it would be the same shifts.
As Rachel and Vickie get up to begin their shift Ghost growls and lets out a Bark as he rushes out of the cave and attacks a troll that is coming in along with another. They have surprise on you. I will need initiative rolls plus combat or other options. They were so well camouflaged that ping walked past them twice.
Groaning as I roll out of bed, I rise, attacking the ugly creatures. "Remember, fire is the only way they stay down!". Swinging my Great sword with precision, I swiftly run, jump and strike at the beast, drawing my sword in mid air!
SA - Jump - trying to get the bonus (DC 24 vs Medium, 32 vs Large), Iaijutsu roll to get the bonus from that and adding Inspiration to the attack roll to try and hit. Hoping for a 19 or 20 here. :D Following that hopefully spectacular attack, regular attacks and inspiration on damage that hits. AC is 19 versus evil thanks to completed broach. If needed, I'll use the teleport anklet to get an extra needed 10' run distance to jump (Need 20'). If my health drops negative, tumble away to prevent AoO and use potion to heal.
Out of Character: Oh, look! Two nat 1s! Ugh. So much for a spectacular attack. Time for the spectacular fail. Edited: Gknightbc on 13th Sep, 2018 - 4:55am