Uh oh, someone doesn't like Den. Take a look at gem #5! Gosh, I'm such a nice guy too. Man, three weeks in-country and already messing things up. Sounds like one time when me and my team toppled a government… but that's another story.
Out of Character: Are you saying you were part of that toppling? *laugh* Say no more I am sure I do not want to know.
I will take the forth and fifth gem activation into consideration. I am sure that I can get something worked out. Right now the only powerful people that you know are those in the stronghold and they are not against you and they are very powerful.
Hoo boy, that could be awkward. Lord Douglas is the only powerful dude we know!
Might I suggest that that one gets put on hold until we meet someone else to piss off? :P
Anywho, I rolled a level 3 "You have an admirer" gem a while back. I figured I'd sit on it for a while since we'd just arrived and didn't know anyone. I'm fine with waiting if it still seems a little soon.
Once I get a job and start donating to the site again, I'll see about sending you some forum points your way Allen. To help you experience more what a site has to offer, counting getting a couple gems.
Edited: Thomaslee on 15th Jun, 2017 - 8:12pm
Also, I just looked at the RP thread. Was my post overridden by another player? I know meta knowledge is allowed but I had set a very specific set of actions on the table and it seems they were either answered by another or ignored. At this point, I am very confused and don't know how or what to post.
Edited: allencory on 15th Jun, 2017 - 8:14pm