My thanks.
As to the crafting requirement, I will be getting Craft Magic Arms and Armor for free at level five, which is about the point that Den and I would really start to need that flexibility.
Actually, if we find another enchanter before then, I might see if we could get that commissioned. Hopefully by trading services rather than paying full price, but either way…
P.S. I realized something that I find amusing enough to share. Jason the character could easily become my character Bastion in the other game.
Bastion's backstory has his first memory being waking up in a ruined workshop. It was assumed by him that he was not active prior to that, but if instead he lost his memories?
Meanwhile, Bastion and I have similar stats, and much of the core personality is shared, aside from the warforged being less subject to emotions and anxiety.
The kicker is that when considering whether or not to go for a prestige class, Renegade Mastermaker is among the more promising options. RM slowly gives the one taking it certain benefits constructs enjoy as body parts are replaced with magical constructions, natural slam attacks, damage reduction etc. At level 10 of the PrC, the transformation is complete, and the character is a full on warforged.
So, Jason the character could have decided to achieve physical perfection with a new body for himself, but something went wrong and his mind was essentially destroyed in the process. The new being in his place essentially 'grows up' in a much more violent world than I, and his talents trend more to war than creation as a result
I don't think I'll go that route, but it is interesting to think about.
Edited: daishain on 20th Apr, 2017 - 2:59pm
Okay, for plotting purposes Kn, how much workable metal is in that lump? In pounds would be the easiest to convert.
Also, did that jolt awaken more of an understanding of my abilities?
Everyone else: In the event it is as large as it sounds, I should be able to turn that into a couple suits of armor.
I could hook Den up with a Mithral Breastplate. 5AC, +5maxdex, -1 ACP, counts as light armor. It is pretty much the best light armor available before enchantments come into play.
The druid no metal thing means I won't be able to help Rachel out directly with this, sorry. The closest equivalent usable by her would be an Elven Darkleaf breastplate, but while I could probably trade for the materials I simply don't have the skills to make it. I'd need to at least find an alchemist to work with me.
Unlike Den, I have got Medium armor proficiency to work with. So while I could go with a breastplate as well, I could also go big with mithral full plate. The difference works out to 3 more AC at the cost of 10' of movement speed and 2 more on the ACP.
What do you guys think? I must admit to leaning towards the breastplate for better mobility. I get the feeling our tactics will be more guerrilla than stand up conflict.
Edited: daishain on 21st Apr, 2017 - 3:58am
No worries about the armor situation for my character. Part of the drawback of being a Druid.
In my opinion I feel that you should keep the mobility up instead of using the full plate. I see us doing more guerilla strikes as well. Hopefully we can keep most enemies off of you anyways.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st Apr, 2017 - 5:14am
Yes, I agree with both of you regarding mobility. Mithril breastplate is incredible. I'll be better protected than Bilbo and Frodo! Now all I need is Anduril… the flame (Sword) of the West.
Edited: Abnninja on 21st Apr, 2017 - 11:58am
Okay, so that would be the material equivalent of 100 pounds of whatever low grade steel is considered the default for armor. (Though it only weighs 50 pounds, yay for magic aluminum :P)
That is enough for both breastplates, with enough left over for a couple of other projects. I think I'd hold onto the remainder until there is a clear usage elsewhere. There is not a great deal of point in making weapons out of Mithral, and I'd rather not just sell the stuff. , perhaps Lord Douglass would like to commission something.