Guys- I am not going to have much access over labor day weekend- and I also I guess I am having trouble fixing my character- question- could someone fix my character-if so I am good with changes - I just cannot seem to get it right with limited time- otherwise I need to bow out..:.
I am finished with the backstory. Sorry in advance for the short novel I wrote…
I just kind of got into writing it and couldn't stop, ha.
Hmm, so actually cracking open my Player's Handbook I recalculate/rechecked Keitha's stats and it didn't really seem to change. I did make a small adjustment, creating more odd numbered stats.
Strength: 9 (-1), Dexterity: 16 (+3), Con: 14 (+2), Int: 10 (+0), Wisdom: 16 (+3), Charisma: 11 (+0)
Strength: 9 - 1 points
Dexterity: 14 - 7 points
Con: 14 - 7 points
Int: 10 - 2 points
Wisdom: 15 - 9 points
Charisma: 11 - 3 points
Total: 29. Edited: Thomaslee on 2nd Sep, 2017 - 3:16pm
You are good to go. That was a great story to read. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
It appears you put history where description goes. That should be where you describe your characters physical appearance and attributes. Also, you need to equip her. But she is close.
You need to complete your own character.
I realized after going to bed last night I had not updated the background for Niklaus, which is now done. And by the way, Robert, all the references to "Manos The Hands of Fate" are positively terrifying! Thank goodness for MST3K, eh?
I also am locking in the Thieves' Tools, since Tanis might be dropping. Finally, Ninja, are you okay with a Cloak of Charisma +2 for Niklaus?
I am okay with the cloak. It's a green cloak and it shimmers when you wear it, giving people who see it a feeling of calm.
The item requires attunement. While he is attuned to it he thinks every woman wants him. Edited: Abnninja on 2nd Sep, 2017 - 8:26pm
Correction: While he wears it, he understands every woman wants him, which is natural and completely acceptable. It is his gift, and his burden. *sigh*
On a different topic, lately when I click on the link in the messages to go to the "Last Post" of this thread, and the threads for the other game, etc… it always drops me to a place several days and posts/pages in the past. Is that happening to anyone else?