Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation - Page 3 of 20

Yeah I know mine is correct I spent a whole - Page 3 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 30th Aug, 2017 - 12:20am

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Post Date: 29th Aug, 2017 - 10:45pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation - Page 3


Actually, that sounds like a great choice. The group is a Cleric short and your character would fill that slot nicely.


Your character hasn't spent enough on abilities. It appears you only spent 23 points and in this game you actually get two extra points, for a total of 29 rather than 27.

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29th Aug, 2017 - 11:02pm / Post ID: #
Tellias Syntomo
Fighter BattleMaster 3
Lieutenant / Rear
Character Sheet Lock
Active Player Active Role-player!

Creation Character Campaign Greek Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

The Short End says...

The reason I like 5e so much, personally, is that most party compositions work. Healing is useful, but seems less essential as before if you have a group of players who work together. Having said that I would never turn down a cleric or two and as far as a second wizard goes I say the more spells the merrier! ;)

With the number of players Abnninja is looking to entertain, any number of different players and classes will work just swell together if we all work together and think before we rush in.

Post Date: 29th Aug, 2017 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Male Mountain Dwarf Soldier Paladin 3
Lawful Good

Strength 17 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 16 (+3)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 10 (+0)

Size: Medium
Height: 4' 7"
Weight: 210 lb
Skin: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Red Wavy; Average Beard

Maximum Hit Points: 33

Speed: 25 feet


Armor Class: 18 = 10 + 6 [chain mail] + 2 [steel shield]

Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative modifier: + 2 = + 2 [dexterity]
Attack (Handheld / thrown): + 5 = + 3 [strength] + 2 [proficiency]
Attack (Missile / finesse): + 4 = + 2 [dexterity] + 2 [proficiency]
Strength save: + 3 = + 3 [strength]
Dexterity save: + 2 = + 2 [dexterity]
Constitution save: + 3 = + 3 [constitution]
Intelligence save: + 0
Wisdom save: + 2 = + 2 [proficiency]
Charisma save: + 2 = + 2 [proficiency]
Insight (Passive): 10 (15 with advantage)
Investigation (Passive): 10 (15 with advantage)
Perception (Passive): 10 (15 with advantage)

Carry: 255 lb maximum

For groups using the optional encumberance rules:

If carrying more than 85 lb, encumbered -- -10 on speed

If carrying more than 170 lb, heavily encumbered -- -20 on speed, disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saves involving strength, constitution, and/or dexterity

Dwarf armor does not count for calculating encumberance.

Languages: Common Dwarvish

Unarmed strike [+5 to hit; 1+3 bludgeoning]

5 Javelins [+4 to hit; 1d6+2 piercing, 4 lb, thrown (Range 30/120)]

Battleaxe [+5 to hit; 1d8+3 slashing, 5 lb, versatile (1d10 slashing)]

Chain mail [heavy; + 6 AC; max Dexterity + 0; stealth disadvantage; 55 lb.]

Steel Shield [+2 AC; 6 lb.]


Skill Name

KeyAbility Skill Modifier AbilityModifier

Trained? Misc.Modifier
Acrobatics Dexterity 2 = +2
Animal Handling Wisdom 0 = +0
Arcana Int 0 = +0
Athletics Strength 5 = +3+ 2
Deception Charisma 0 = +0
History Int 0 = +0
Insight Wisdom 0 = +0
Intimidation Charisma 0 = +0
Investigation Int 0 = +0
Medicine Wisdom 2 = +0 + 2
Nature Int 0 = +0
Perception Wisdom 0 = +0
Performance Charisma 0 = +0
Persuasion Charisma 2 = +0 + 2
Religion Int 2 = +0 + 2
Sleight of Hand Dexterity 2 = +2
Stealth Dexterity 2 = +2
Survival Wisdom 0 = +0

Paladin spells:

First-level castings: 3/day

This character's level and charisma allow him to prepare 1 Paladin spells daily.
These are in addition to this character's oath spells.
Mark this character's First Level Paladin spells here:

Compelled Duel
Cure Wounds
Detect Evil and Good
Detect Magic
Detect Poison and Disease
Divine Favor
Ensnaring Strike [oath spell]
Protection from Evil and Good
Purify Food and Drink
Searing Smite
Shield of Faith
Speak with Animals [oath spell]
Thunderous Smite
Wrathful Smite

Paladin Channel Divinity: 1x:
Regain after any short or long rest

This character is proficient with at least 1 artisan tool set(S). Check any artisan tools with which this character is proficient:
Mason's tools


Dwarves receive +2 constitution (Already included).

Can move 25 feet even if in heavy armor

Darkvision (See 60 feet black-and-white in pitch-dark)

Dwarven resilience: Advantage on saving throws against poison, and resistance against poison damage

Tool proficiency: This dwarf chose proficiency as a mason.

Stonecunning (Always proficient with double the proficiency bonus on history checks related to stonework; cannot become lost underground)

Mountain Dwarf (Subrace)

Mountain Dwarves receive +2 strength (Already included).

Armor Mastery: Proficiency with light and medium armor.


Other military folks will defer to your rank.

You know how to ride a horse.


Proficient in riding a mount.

This paladin selected the dueling fighting style at level 2; +2 on damage from a one-handed weapon if using no other weapon. You will need to remember to add this damage to what is listed above.

The DC to resist your spells is 8 + proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier.

Divine sense -- use an action to detect holy / unholy things within 60 feet and not behind a complete barrier

Lay on hands -- pool of hit points equal to 5 x paladin level, to restore HP, cure disease or neutralize poison

Level 2: Divine smite. Expend a spell slot to do extra radiant / necrotic damage after hitting.

Level 2: Fighting style

Level 3: Immune to disease

Level 3: Oath spells and channel divinity

Ancients Paladin (Oath, mostly good paladins)

Level 3: Channel divinity -- natures wrath (Spectral vines restrain, save Strength/Dexterity till free), turn the faithless (Fey, fiends).

Class HP Level one max hit points. Level 2 and three took average +1 thus D10 is a 6.
Level 1: Paladin 10
Level 2: Paladin 6
Level 3: Paladin 6

Hit Dice For Healing
Regain half with each long rest. Use as needed during long or short rests.

Death Saving Throws:



Weapons / Armor / Shield (From above)
Blanket, winter x 1
Flint and steel
Gaming set (Cards) (Proficient)
Gaming set (Dice) (Proficient)
Iron spikes (10) x 10
Mess kit
Oil flasks x 5
Rations (1 day) x 10
Rope (50', hempen) x 1
Torches x 10

Waterskins x 1

Mason tools
Holy symbol (Silver)
216 lb
161 lb
Total not including arm.

Attached Image Edited: KNtoran on 29th Aug, 2017 - 11:20pm

29th Aug, 2017 - 11:45pm / Post ID: #
Druid lvl 3
Novice / Middle Rear
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Page 3 Creation Character Campaign Greek Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

Servant of Dreams says...

Attached Image QUOTE
Your character hasn't spent enough on abilities. It appears you only spent 23 points and in this game you actually get two extra points, for a total of 29 rather than 27.

Hmm, that is odd. Must of been an incorrectly programmed point buy calculator. I will see about getting that fixed and updated for you so that the stats are correct. I will also get your the rest of the information.

What I had in mind, just a quick summary, is that when magic appeared ten years as well with it magical creatures and monsters my character was actually taken in as a by the fey looking to make sure proper relations with those of the Celt Tribes. The consideration being in how the fey play such a interwoven part in Celtic Legend and Folklore. Thus justifying her being of the Circle of Dreams with your permission.

Thus, she would in a way be an embassy of both her people and the fey court she has been company of, if to a lesser extent.

Post Date: 30th Aug, 2017 - 12:01am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Creation Character Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas


I went back and double checked and it looks like you are all short on ability scores, even you Glarion. You are allowed 29 points in his campaign. Please go back and fix this.

Post Date: 30th Aug, 2017 - 12:13am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation

Abn, I didn't check everyone, but both Kntoran's and Glarion's ability scores appear to be correct. Don't forget that you start with an 8 in everything, and purchasing a point higher than 13 costs double. (So a 14 in a stat costs a total of 7 points, and a 15 costs 9).

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30th Aug, 2017 - 12:15am / Post ID: #
Tellias Syntomo
Fighter BattleMaster 3
Lieutenant / Rear
Character Sheet Lock
Active Player Active Role-player!

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation - Page 3

The Short End says...

Yes you are correct! I don't know how that happened as I created a quick Excel spreadsheet to calculate the costs and it said 29 points? Oh well, never going to complain about increasing a stat by a point! Thanks for your vigilance in spotting my error *wink*.

EDIT: Just made another mistake in checking my original figures *laugh*! I had the 12's down as costing 3 each and not 4, hence why I too came out with 2 points short, but as Daishan pointed out I rechecked mine and I was indeed correct the first time round. Thanks for making check the figures anyway as one can never be too sure.

Attached Image Edited: Glarion on 30th Aug, 2017 - 12:19am

Post Date: 30th Aug, 2017 - 12:20am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Character Creation D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 3

Yeah I know mine is correct I spent a whole two minutes on it. That is like a hour in normal people mathing *laugh*.

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