Out of Character: In 'reaction' to the damage taken from C18, I will use one of my Superiority Dice to lessen the damage with the Parry Maneuver. D8 +Dexterity
In Character: Tellias moves with the blow from the new attacking creatures axe and before he can reply it is hacked down by his fellow Spartan. He turns his attention to the creature on his right and makes a thrust of his own, attempting to disembowel the thing with his magical Doyu!
Out of Character: if C8 dies from my next attack, I will then attempt to move to engage with C20!
Edited: Glarion on 15th Sep, 2017 - 10:03pm
Out of Character:
Yes, the bless on Briadia and Arcad, as well as Manos is still active.
Also, I Tellias has bless on him as well from Elymas as well as Brathark. So don't forget those d4s!
Dodging out of the way from the slashing axe, Manos ducks passed the creature before advancing on the apparent magic user. He grips his weapon in both hands, bringing his staff down hard on the enemy.
Out of Character: I'm moving past C8(But avoiding C11), possibly triggering an attack of opportunity, and attacking C20. I am using the versatile feature to use both hands and deal d8+Strength. He will cast shield if hit.
Edited: Robertreaper on 15th Sep, 2017 - 11:53pm
Niklaus smiles to himself as the foe he targeted drops to the ground, unable to do anything but laugh uncontrollably. He is able to make sure the creature continues to suffer the effect as he darts forward, drawing his shortsword as he attacks another foul creature. He briefly recalls his parents suffering at the hands of similar monsters as he strikes.
Out of Character: : Hideaous Laughter is kept up with concentration, so he uses his sword and moves towards 17.10 to attack C1. Depending on what is still up and its location, the specifics could be changed, but that is the basic idea.
Out of Character: Just to clarify and correct things up then, I reduced the damage from 9 down to 4, which means I have 31 HP at present thanks to +5 temporary HP.
Out of Character: Also I'll roll a D4 to add the Bless bonus onto my attack roll. I have added a bonus of 9 to this roll as that was my original attack roll.
Seeing the brutish creature lop off the head of the Athenian soldier with one swing and then charge Elymas, Photokles rushes his mule around through his companions to what appears to be the center of the battlefield. Once there, the priest lifts his shield to the sky, "Let the power of Helios consume you!" The shield begins to glow as it catches the rays from the sun. As it does so, it increases in brilliance rapidly becoming a point of absolute, blinding light that doesn't even allow shadows to be cast upon the ground.
Out of Character:
Moving to hex 22.09 (Avoiding opportunity attacks) which will put me in position to be within 30 feet of all enemies and using my channel divinity "Radiance of the dawn" which makes all hostile creatures within 30 feet make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13) taking full damage on a failure or half as much on success.
I have to roll the two dice separate so I can add my bonus or else it would add it to both but all the damage is combined and the damage is radiant.
Edited: Brandonfett on 16th Sep, 2017 - 3:26pm
Since it appeared that faerie fire it only hit a few, Keithas considers casting it again. Yet there is also another spell, one that can actually harm those in which she faced though given how the magic worked she wasn't sure it it might work.
Specific Action: Moonbeam, if no one sees an issue of it being used, otherwise I may just need to go with Faerie Fire again. Spell Attack is +6, from what I can tell.