Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread - Page 23 of 49

Photokles had just enough time to bring his - Page 23 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 17th Sep, 2017 - 5:11am

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Post Date: 16th Sep, 2017 - 8:52pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread - Page 23

Again, moving quickly Photokles calls down a brilliant, searing heat on all of the creatures facing them. Two of the creatures, (C5 and C10) immediately fall dead, literally cooked to death by the radiance, the stench from their searing flesh nearly overpowering. Elymas attempts to touch the creature lumbering over him but the creature deftly avoids his touch.

A creature that must have been hidden behind the skirmish between the Athenians and the creatures comes out from behind and attacks Photokles, his axe skidding along his armor but catching enough to cause some cuts and bruises.

Manos moves away from the creature in front of him, allowing the creature to strike at his unprotected back, but the creature misses. Manos in turn moves near the magic wielding creature and attempts to pummel him with his staff but the creature is faster and ducks out of the way.

The creature near Tellias swings its great axe at him, striking him a resounding blow. Tellias feels the effect of that strike through his shield arm and up to his shoulder. The creature in front of him laughs and roars at the strike and for the first time Tellias realizes the creature in from of him is a female.

The Athenians and the creatures continue to fight, but numbers tell and Athenians continue to fall. The magic user uses cares not at all that one of you is near to him and uses his spectral spear to stab another Athenian in the back, killing him.

A creature (C15) moves up to Keitha and attacks, swinging its great axe at her with all it's might. Keitha nimbly moves out of the way, leaving the creature off balance.

Tellias thrusts his Doyu at the creature in front of him but it merely skids off the creature's thick helmet. Tellias can see the evil grin on the creatures hideous face, taunting him. Another creature moves up to Tellias (C11) and swings at him, his axe striking his breast plate with force.

The great beast (C19) in front of Elymas recovers from its evasion of Elymas' attacks and swings his blood stained axe, and misses but it deftly turns the handle with a flick of its wrist and brings the axe down again, in a second attack. This one strikes true, although it doesn't penetrate Elymas' armor, the force of the blow is enough to knock the wind out of him.

Keitha, Niklaus, and Brathark act at nearly the same instant. Keitha after causing the creature in front of her to miss badly targets a creature (C1) with a spell. A pale beam targets the creature and screams of pain and agony emanate from its mouth until the turn to merely gurgling noise, and then nothing at all as the creature falls to the ground, dead. Niklaus moves forward next to the Athenian (A2) who looks at him with relief and gratefulness and attacks one of the newly arrived creatures (C24). He gets through the creatures defense and strikes him, definitely getting his full attention. Brathark strikes his target (C19) hard. The creature nearly goes down but remains standing. A primal roar comes out of its throat. He has found his new target.

Briadia attacks the creature to her left, dealing two wicked blows which nearly cuts the creature in half. Blood and entrails spill at her feet. The creature next to him attacks Briadia but misses badly, leaving itself open next round. Arcad attacked the creature in front of him but misses. The creature attacks Arcad with his axe, tearing a gash in the bears shoulder and the other creature stays out of range and fires an arrow at the bear, which lodges in its left forearm.

The creature with the bow then moves back away from the encounter. The other creatures are at a full run away, moving as quickly as they can, carrying their hostages with them. Briadia can hear the women and children screaming and crying as they get further and further away.

Out of Character: Photokles takes 11 damage. Telias takes 16 damage (She rolled a natural 20) and 6 damage from C11 for a total of 22. Keitha has advantage on attacks against the creature in front of her (It rolled a natural 1). Elymas is hit for 6 damage. The second creature that attacked Briadia rolled a natural 1. Next round she and Arcad have advantage. This is my house rule, although it's situational if I enforce it. Arcad takes 9 damage from two hits.

Main group, you can see that most of the creatures are quite badly hurt. A hit or two will take most of them down. The newcomers however look to be fresh.

See map 2 for update.

Attached Image Edited: Abnninja on 16th Sep, 2017 - 8:53pm

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Post Date: 16th Sep, 2017 - 9:34pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Thread RPG Main Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

With an ally engaging the one pressing him, and the soldiers of his home falling fast, Elymas shifts position to flank the creature, and points his focus towards the apparent spellcaster. Several bolts of force fly out and streak towards his counterpart.

Out of Character: Magic Missile. Would've preferred to use Firebolt, but the big guy would've imposed disadvantage on the roll.

Post Date: 16th Sep, 2017 - 9:43pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Brathark attacks the big creature again hoping to ends its suffering for good. He is hoping to end this battle as soon as possible so they can rescue the women and children.

Out of Character: Remembered the bless this time and second attack is if he gets a AOO.

16th Sep, 2017 - 9:45pm / Post ID: #
Tellias Syntomo
Fighter BattleMaster 3
Lieutenant / Rear
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Page 23 Thread RPG Main Campaign Greek Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

The Short End says...

Out of Character: Tellias uses his reaction to Parry the critical hit from C8. Also, if the creature doesn't fall from the first blow, I will Action Surge and use a 2nd attack against it, if C8 does die to the first attack I will take the 2nd attack against C11 instead. Hence there will be two attack rolls.

In Character
Tellias reels from the blows being rained down upon him. He slashes at the female creature in front of him.

Tellias Syntomo Results:
  • Atk Roll vs C8 on D20 (+6): 17 (1 roll)
  • Bless bonus to Atk1 on D4 (+0): 3 (1 roll)
  • Damage Roll 1 on D8 (+4): 9 (1 roll)
  • Action Surge Atk on D20 (+6): 22 (1 roll)
  • Bless bonus to Atk2 on D4 (+0): 4 (1 roll)
  • Damage Roll 2 on D8 (+4): 8 (1 roll)

Post Date: 17th Sep, 2017 - 12:31am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Thread RPG Main Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

Out of Character: : Ninja, the map does not appear to be totally updated. Niklaus is not by A1, and I do not see all the newcomers. Speaking of which, the post mentions one that must have been hidden, then you mention the newcomers as not being injured. So I am a bit confused, but I think I can post anyway.

In Character: :

Niklaus grins back at the Athenian warrior next to him but is keenly aware that now he has a monster about to swing a blade at him. He turns his grin to the beastman and says, "I hear you tried to enter an Ugliest Man contest, but they said, 'Sorry, no professionals'" He then swings his own blade once more…

Out of Character: : Reaction of Cutting Words to reduce the bad guy's attack roll by d6, then attacking in return. And of course keeping the other one on the ground with Laughter.

Post Date: 17th Sep, 2017 - 12:59am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread

Briadia is infuriated as she can tell that Arcad is injured. She eyes the beast in front of her." Your turn to die, dog." She feints to the left and then strikes lightning quick with both blades at her opponent.

Arcad is enraged with pain. He lunges forward swinging his claw violently at the enemy that just hurt him.

Out of Character: : Briadia is striking with advantage against the one that attacked her last turn. If she kills him in one blow then she will move to the opponent fighting Arcad and attack him. If by some chance both opponents are down before Arcad can go he will go after the archer. I rolled for advantage on Arcad's attack because you said they would both get it due to the one opponent rolling a [Critical Hit] failure. I assume that won't apply when he attacks another opponent but rolled it just in case Ninja.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Sep, 2017 - 1:00am

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Post Date: 17th Sep, 2017 - 4:34am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread - Page 23

Manos, turns to look behind him as the caster targets another. His eyes go wide, as he witnesses a fellow Athenian fall, then fills with rage and vengeance as he turns back towards his foe.

He calls out to the group, a dark growl in his weathered voice; "Who wants to help me kill this one?" His question is quickly answered as Elymas' spell flies by, curving midair to ensure a strike to the chest.

Realizing this Manos times his strikes to occur with the second and third missiles; tracing their paths with his swings. He says as he attacks; "No one else dies by your hands."

Attached Image Edited: Robertreaper on 17th Sep, 2017 - 4:35am

17th Sep, 2017 - 5:11am / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Right Fwd. Flank
Character Sheet ◀
Active Player Active Role-player!

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 23

The light bearer says...

Photokles had just enough time to bring his shield back down to attempt to deflect an incoming swipe of an axe, but was one moment to slow. The creature's blade found a weak point in the priest's scale male just below the arm. The cold metal tearing through his flesh was quickly replaced by the warmth of spilling blood, and it was all Photokles could do to keep his focus on maintaining his blessing.

The priest had little time to survey his own wound as he heard the shouts of Tellias and saw as two of the beasts landed their strikes, one with quite a bit more bite than the other. Photokles speaks some incantation and suddenly Tellias sees some of his gaping wounds seal up and a bit of the pain is dulled.

The priest then pulls out his spear since he's not in much of a position to get away unscathed. "This fight needs to end quickly!" he yells as he thrusts his spear toward the neck area of the creature that struck him.

Out of Character:
Casting Healing Word on Tellias and then attacking (C23).

Attached Image Edited: Brandonfett on 17th Sep, 2017 - 5:13am

Photokles Results:
  • Healing Word on D4 (+3): 4 (1 roll)
  • Spear on D20 (+3): 7 (1 roll)
  • Bless on D4 (+0): 1 (1 roll)
  • Spear Damage on D8 (+1): 2 (1 roll)

> TOPIC: Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread


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