"If we cannot stand together, the quest is already lost. The gods chose each of us for a purpose, and the belief that we can go one without all of us together is folly," Keitha says, offering her wisdom. The young woman sighs, before going in the direction that she'd seen Manos and Photokles go to try and catch up to them. Hopefully they would be watched over with.
Out of Character: Yah, whether or not going to Thebes is a waste of time. Allowing him to go off alone will just put the quests as a whole at risk. If I know my Greek Mythology involving quest and the heroes chosen or favored by the gods are not without purposeā¦ Yes, despite problems which come involving the flaws, petty squabbles, disagreements, and other issues involving the gods meddling in the affairs of mortals. Edited: Thomaslee on 24th Sep, 2017 - 12:34pm
Briadia looks at Keitha." I understand what you are saying. How does following them help? You are weakening the main group and the ones leaving are still very vulnerable. The only way to do it safely is for the whole group to follow. I don't feel that it is right for the whole group to take on a dangerous endeavor because of one individual. I'm not going unless the whole group does. In the morning we will leave. Be sure to be back by then. We can't delay our mission. Our job is to prevent future sieges from occurring, not investigating previous sieges. This is a distraction." Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Sep, 2017 - 12:32pm
As Manos waits he sees Keitha approach him. "Good, I'm glad someone came. I'd of lost all hope for the group if they'd have let two members wander off alone without at least someone coming to aid; or at least be willing enough to get up and try to bring them back."
"I don't know which is your plan young one; but my plan is to find Photokles, make sure he is ok, and then continue to Delphi through the night. I'm rested enough and am far from sleep. Will you join me?"
Elymas throws up his hands in frustration as first Manos, then Keitha walk off in spite of his admonitions.
Addressing everyone left, he states. "They're forcing our hand here. Either we all go after them now, or we give up on them entirely and try to make do without. I'm not happy with the first, but the second seems a very poor start to a task of such monumental importance. Which is it to be?" Edited: daishain on 24th Sep, 2017 - 2:26pm
Briadia looks at Elymas." They chose to leave. I don't feel that we should go stumbling in the dark looking for them. Our mission calls. We should set watches and rest here tonight. Tomorrow morning we can wait for a little bit then take off. I don't like either choice Elymas but it isn't right for them to force our decision. Let the gods watch over them."
Out of Character: I'm pretty sure it is not night yet, though it may be getting close to dusk.
We were told that if we went to Thebes, the last hour of the journey would be in dark. That was when we started setting up camp. It has been maybe an hour or so since then so the sun should still be up.
The sun is gone and it is dark when Photokles approaches the city of Thebes. Travelling alone he makes good time. The fires are out but the smell of smoke still hangs in the air. Photokles hears, "Stop, who is out there?" Then he hears rushing feet. Many rushing feet. He hears them to his left, his right, and in front of him. Then the figures come into view. Soldiers, many of them. He can't tell the exact number of them but there are at least two dozen he can see and possibly more. The leader steps forward, clearly unhappy, "Why do you approach Thebes in the night like a beggar, thief, or spy for the enemy?"
Manos and Keitha lose Photokles' tracks when it starts to get dark. Thebes is a fairly large city with multiple ways to get in. You are still a good hour out from the city.
The main group settles down for the night, agitated and worried for their companions. Arcad continues to move towards the food. Without Briadia keeping him away there is a good chance he'll get into it.
Out of Character: Declare your actions. I need perception checks from the main group and from Keitha and Manos. Unless Briadia intends to stay up all night with Arcad or tie him up to a tree, I need three unmodified saving throws against a DC of 15 to have him resist plundering the food supply. One for each watch she isn't awake for. Depending on his actions, I'll probably need a persuasion check from Photokles.