"Perhaps we could start with an idea of what is ahead," Came the soft voice of Keitha, the woman then continues with offering a question that she might ask, "Like 'To complete this journey, what dangers will need the greatest care in overcoming?'" There was others, yet she will start with this.
Continuing she will offer another question, "Are there any who may be of aid to us on this journey or any that we should avoid trusting?" This Keitha felt, was a question she felt could be helpful though perhaps not the best.
Explaining her reasoning she will say, "I have heard of story of heroes, or those called upon by the gods, and in such stories is a common theme. That of certain dangers and obstacles that if not handled correctly could make it impossible to complete one's journey. Not only by death, but in other ways."
Continuing, Keitha offers, "Often as well, there are certain figure who can either greatly help or hinder on in completing their journey and knowing who we can trust may be very important. On quest of the gods, items or weapons of power are needed to be found so as to complete the journey." Hopefully her words were making sense.
Briadia has an odd look on her face and turns her head sideways as if listening to someone speaking. After this goes on for a short time she addresses the group again. " We should ask where exactly are we supposed to go after leaving the Oracle. This is an important part. Lady Athena came to me just now and spoke this to me in my head. "
Elymas raises an eyebrow, "I am sorely tempted to ask why the gods don't simply say what they wish of us, but I suspect that will be a waste."
"In any case, I am unconvinced we should ignore the question of our purpose. It might seem obvious, but there is cause for doubt. I for one suspect that this will be far from a simple fact finding endeavor. Perhaps we must slay this creature mentioned, perhaps it is a servant of the gods and must be treated with instead. Perhaps our destination is something entirely unrelated to Olympus. Perhaps we should instead seek the entrance to the underworld." Edited: daishain on 8th Sep, 2017 - 9:19pm
Photokles, having been silently listening to the suggested questions speaks up,
"We must remember that any questions asked of the oracle will be answered only with what MIGHT come to pass, not what WILL. This, as the king astutely put it, was the plight of Leonidas. He was given two answers to his question, both were right, it merely mattered which path he chose. This, I fear, will be the same for us. We will most assuredly receive answers, but it will rest upon us and what each of us are willing to sacrifice as to what guidance we choose to follow."
The priest looks around to the group then continues,
"I do not feel questions about purpose or why things are happening are the right direction. I'm certain those will become apparent throughout our journey. As far as where we should head after, that is definitely one to consider as not only is Lady Wisdom herself apparently guiding our Amozonian friend here, but I believe it may hold the fewest misinterpretations. As for the other questions, I am at a loss on my own. But those unfamiliar with the temple and the oracle, even those who are, keep in mind that the main tenets of the great dwelling of Apollo are, 'know thy self' and 'nothing in excess'. I feel these should also shape what we intend ask."
Photokles rests against a wall and awaits further discussion. Edited: Brandonfett on 8th Sep, 2017 - 10:57pm
Tellias nods in agreement with what the priest, Photokles, had to say.
"Well spoken priest of Helios. I agree with you summation of the initial question we choose, what is the path we should take to proceed after our meeting with the Oracle? I would ask also what has caused this activity to happen and continue to happen on Hellas? As for the third question, I now have no clue as to what it should be at present." Tellias relaxes slightly in his chair, but the look on his face she great effort in trying to solve this first riddle they have been presented with, whilst looking at the group waiting to hear the next round of suggestions. Edited: Glarion on 8th Sep, 2017 - 11:59pm
Niklaus is idly scrawling various ideas about questions on parchment. He finally says, "I'm sorry, it may have slipped my mind. Did we consider asking exactly what happened to the previous expeditions? Or what killed them? Or some variation on that?"