Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread - Page 11 of 49

"So.. Um.. Elly-ma? Um.. Why don't - Page 11 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 11th Sep, 2017 - 5:28am

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Post Date: 10th Sep, 2017 - 10:34pm / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
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Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread - Page 11

As the day breaks Brathark is doing a ritual of prayers as he seeks guidance from each of the gods who have chosen him. Foremost he asks Zeus for his wisdom, Poseidon for his guidance and Hades for any advice he can offer to stay ahead of death.

When he shakes the hands of the kings he will thank Pausanias for his training and place in his 300. "I hope I can make you proud that one of your chosen can rise so far." When shaking hands with Agesilaus he will off his apology, "I do care for your niece and did not want any shame to come to her or your house. I hope you can forgive her for being with a common man such as me." He gets on his mule and is ready to head out.

He studies the map closely and then heads out leading the rest as they prepare to head out. He will be towards the front if not in the front. He will look towards his companions. "I know I am not the leader and I do not have the right to order you but I would like to see you Briadia to scout ahead to ensure that nothing is going to surprise us. Elymas if you would have your Owl watch from the skys to assist us and you Keitha if you could assist in any way it would be nice. Tellias IF you could keep our rear guard to make sure none come from behind and guard our supplies with Manos That could help too. Again I only ask this is not a order. The rest can ride in the center if that is what you wish"

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10th Sep, 2017 - 11:34pm / Post ID: #
Lieutenant / Right Fwd. Flank
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Thread RPG Main Campaign Greek Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

The light bearer says...

Photokles performs his daily prayers and ritual as the dawn breaks, welcoming both the morning light and Helios himself. Afterward the priest joins the rest of the group as they have audience with the kings.

"Helios will light our path." Photokles announces to those around and then takes upon a mule, headed for Delphi.

The Rhodian tries to reassure the Thebians that their group will do everything within their power to purge the monsters from their lands.

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2017 - 12:48am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread Archive Pathfinder / D&D

As the crowd begins to dissipate, Manos can be seen strolling from among them. Each hand is holding a wagon wheel, both partly resting upon the backpack on his back. He also carries a second satchel and appears to be dressed in some kind of black and red robes; different from before and unsoiled.

As he approaches the group he looks around and asks; "Did I miss something?" He shrugs and puts the additional supplies into the wagon before giving it a once over.

Upon examination he laughs to himself before saying; "If this is the finest wagon in Sparta then I'm going to make a killing here even without my name being immortalized. Huh, maybe I should have picked up some more wood and rebuilt this one. Looks like I'll have to replace some parts already."

With that said he sets to work attaching the additional wheels to the base of the vehicle. He replaces a few weak pieces that would not have survived the long journey ahead of them, before climbing to the seat and grabbing the reins; traveling along with the group.

Out of Character: Manos will stick to the middle for travelling.

For the gear, I bought a new robe, a healer's kit, two wheels and various other wagon supplies and replacements parts. I intend to spend all 115 Minae on these items. If you want a piece by piece list I could probably make one, though I was figuring we could have it be a 'bag of wagon supplies' and just assume he has what he'd need to fix things.

Attached Image Edited: Robertreaper on 11th Sep, 2017 - 12:53am

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2017 - 1:41am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Page 11 Thread RPG Main Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

Elymas listens to Brathark and nods, "Seems sensible, and I appreciate you not phrasing it as an order. Don't worry about me listening to your instruction, particularly when it comes to matters like this, this is your strength."

Turning to Kria, he thinks, [Well little Crooner, your immeasurable talents are needed] [Fine] With a snarky response, Kria takes to the air, and starts making a looping path around the group's course.

Kria has advantage on sight and hearing perception, and will fly out at regular intervals.

Out of Character: Staying just ahead of Manos for the time being.

Attached Image Edited: daishain on 11th Sep, 2017 - 4:02am

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2017 - 2:55am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Thread RPG Main Campaign Greek e Dragons and Dungeons Abnninjas

Briadia's heart races as the crowd parts and they begin their journey. Every step into the wilderness makes her feel more at home.
She smiles at Brathark and nods. "
Well spoken Spartan. That is the role I'm most suited for anyways. I will gladly scout ahead with Arcad. "

Briadia nudges her mule forward ahead of the others. Her mule is skittish as the bear walks alongside. Briadia leans down low on her mule and whispers soothingly trying to calm her. Arcad begins loping to keep pace. Her raven colored hair streaks out behind her as she trots the mule until she reaches about a quarter mile ahead of the group. She smiles at Arcad. " This is a very important mission my friend. We must be very careful and be on alert. Anything could happen. " Her companion sniffs the air as they pace ahead. Briadia studies the surroundings intently as they proceed.

Out of Character: : Arcad gets advantage on perception rolls involving scent. I will always roll it with advantage in case scent is involved. If it isn't please ignore the second roll.

Briadia and Arcad will stay out ahead in the forward scout position.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 11th Sep, 2017 - 3:00am

11th Sep, 2017 - 3:44am / Post ID: #
Druid lvl 3
Novice / Middle Rear
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Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread

Servant of Dreams says...

The woman from the Celtic tribes smiles, before saying in a soft voice to Brathark, "You call yourself not a leader, and yet here you are taking the lead. More to the point you are chosen by Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, rulers of the sky, oceans, and underworld.” Keitha smiles, as she could be wrong yet continues with her thoughts, “I suspect before this quest is done, that is what you will have become is a great leader.”

On what role she can play, Keitha will offer, “When it comes to nature, the fauna and flora, survival while out in the wilderness, my ability to call upon the magic that I have learned, or even in encountering certain other creatures my assistance could be valuable indeed.” She was not saying this to be proud or boastful, simply offering what skills she does have.

Before Briadia moves to be a half a mile ahead, Keitha will place a hand on her shoulder and cast guidance saying, “May Artemis guide they senses.” Once she had left, the druid will actually make the suggestion to Brathark, “I could actually even assist our beastmistress and her bear in scouting, if you feel that is were I can be most useful at the moment.”

Out of Character: : Sorry for not posting sooner, all you might need to do is post again to roll the d4 to add to Briadia's perception check. Also, perhaps we can say Keitha looks something like this. Source 1

Attached Image Edited: Thomaslee on 11th Sep, 2017 - 3:58am

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Post Date: 11th Sep, 2017 - 3:55am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread - Page 11

Out of Character: : I'm rolling for her guidance bonus now. Thanks so much for that Thomas Lee. I hope I have enough words in now.

Post Date: 11th Sep, 2017 - 5:28am / Post ID: #

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread
A Friend

Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 11

"So.. Um.. Elly-ma? Um.. Why don't you tell me about yourself? Why did you come to Sparta for this big gathering? Why'd you care enough to make the trip from… wherever you came from?"

Manos awkwardly smiles, attempting to show that he's actual trying to be considerate. It may not have translated as desired.

> TOPIC: Abnninja's D&D 5e Greek Campaign Main RPG Thread


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