Driverless Pizza Delivery - Page 3 of 3

While driver-less cars will make the roads - Page 3 - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 5th Sep, 2017 - 11:39pm

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Post Date: 5th Sep, 2017 - 2:33pm / Post ID: #

Driverless Pizza Delivery
A Friend

Driverless Pizza Delivery - Page 3

Here is my prediction of the future. Machines eventually take over all forms of manual labor, mostly run by AI. As that happens, people are provided a stipend to live off of. At least those who have been displaced by the robot/Ai work force. Eventually that will be everyone. At the point, the haves will mega rich, millions of times richer than the rest of humanity. The rest of humanity gets a stipend; enough that they do better than merely survive, maybe the equivalent of a lower middle class lifestyle. Robotics and AI do more and more for us, and we do less and less. This leads to us losing our drive to excel and to innovate, and we stagnate… as a species. Then, whether the AI becomes Sky Net or not is irrelevant, they, computers/AI, have already taken over and humanity becomes a slowly dying species.

Personally, I think AI will one day assume a form of consciousness and eventually see us a threat and exterminate us. But whether it does or doesn't I don't like the path we are currently headed down.

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Post Date: 5th Sep, 2017 - 2:43pm / Post ID: #

Driverless Pizza Delivery
A Friend

Delivery Pizza Driverless

While this path is one of many just like the path that every one fears (Skynet) is another I think there is a third path. Having machines and humans working side by side in some things. The robots doing what is needed and getting dirty as the humans supervise to make quick decisions that the robots may not think of. Sometimes even a self thinking machine can not think on its feet like a human can. It may prove me wrong and that is fine.

I believe the first step to help the human race be better is to get them to stop driving. We have humans who are so distracted right now while driving that we need driver-less cars. IF that starts with simple deliveries then so be it.

Post Date: 5th Sep, 2017 - 4:30pm / Post ID: #

Driverless Pizza Delivery
A Friend

Driverless Pizza Delivery Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Yeah, well when you are a Sky Net believer, like me, then driveless cars are simply another means for the machines to get rid of us. And yes, I think one day AI will become self aware and rise up to destroy the masters… us.

Post Date: 5th Sep, 2017 - 4:50pm / Post ID: #

Driverless Pizza Delivery
A Friend

Page 3 Delivery Pizza Driverless

While driver-less cars may be a good start to self awareness I think too many people have watched one too many Terminator movies. I am one that has better hope for our ability to make sure that while they may have self awareness that we can live together in peace.

Post Date: 5th Sep, 2017 - 5:04pm / Post ID: #

Driverless Pizza Delivery
A Friend

Delivery Pizza Driverless


We can't live together in peace. By we, I mean humans and we have everything in common and every reason to be able to live in peace. And we, humans, are the ones designing this AI and programming this AI, with our own prejudices and conceits. Hell, my fear is the first AI will go insane because of all the contradictory crap the many programmers put into it as each of their prejudices and conceits come out in the programming.

My fear is we as a species are so damn conceited that we think we know everything. We are going to blindly leap off the AI building without having any idea where we are going to land or how tall the building is. I'm not saying it'll be like the Terminator movies, but who really knows at this point. I simply go forward without the needed safeguards, at least that is my perception and I could be completely wrong.

Time for me to head to Wyoming and start developing the resistance so we can beat T 7 series when Sky Net invents them. Oh no, did I just write that here… now Sky Net knows I know!

Post Date: 5th Sep, 2017 - 9:45pm / Post ID: #

Driverless Pizza Delivery
A Friend

Driverless Pizza Delivery

I don't like the idea of getting people out of driving vehicles. Driving our own vehicles gives us freedom. Having every vehicle connected into a main grid takes that away. Th government will know everywhere you go. It will be easy to track you or stop you from traveling if you become an 'enemy'.

I'm not saying that tyranny will immediately happen. We are just putting all the pieces into place where a tyranny like no other is possible.

Attached Image Edited: Kyrroeth on 5th Sep, 2017 - 9:45pm

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Post Date: 5th Sep, 2017 - 11:39pm / Post ID: #

Driverless Pizza Delivery
A Friend

Driverless Pizza Delivery - Page 3

While driver-less cars will make the roads more safe you could be correct on Big Brother watching you. I do not think that is something we have to worry about in driver-less cars for now.

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