Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone?

Courtesy Online Simply Gone - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 6th Oct, 2017 - 6:54pm

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being unkind, toxic or salty on social media and other communities.
5th Oct, 2017 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone?

I have written about things like this many times in many Threads around, here is another. Those of you who know my character should also know that I wish for everyone to be courteous so that I may also exhibit the same cordial communication rather than one of an enforcer. Many misinterpret courtesy with agreement or acceptance. Courtesy simply involves being polite or in other words having a little appreciation for the fact that the world does not revolve around you or me and we need civility to get along.

If you do not like something you could simply say "I appreciate the offer but no thanks" and you move on. The opposite would be "Keep your junk and shove it up your behind".

If you want something of others you say, "Please and at your convenience… " instead of "Why the [expletive] are you taking so long, don't you know I'm so very important?"

You don't understand something or its functionality you could do the intelligent thing and say, "I will really like to understand, please explain more about 'x'" instead "It makes no sense, its foolish, its as if a baboon came up with this while eating a banana."

Everyone can learn so much from the most excellent song: Tim McGraw - Humble And Kind.

Of course this applies to anyone that cares. We live in a world where only a certain percentage cares so writing all of this would matter only to such persons. This Topic is for those who still believe courtesy should exist online if it was at all there in the first place.

You see, I come from an era of the internet where the fastest connection was on a 28.8k modem using a limited browser, back then people still exhibited the kind of courtesy that they would in person. Now, with the advent of phones and fast internet people demand rather than request, puff their chest rather than try to understand what is being said, become frustrated rather than slow down and breathe some oxygen… in other words they expect everything (Including other humans) to be as functional as pushing a button on their phone. I have news for all those that think like this - there is actually a real human being on the other side. Someone who may have a life other than the internet. A human that may have the same or different aspirations as you. May or may not have the same struggles than you if not it might be even more difficult for them. Like you, they want to be treated with respect and shown some appreciation for whatever they do for you or communicated to you. Keep this in mind the next time you send communications online - do it with some courtesy.

Some more interesting reading: The Sense Of Entitlement.

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5th Oct, 2017 - 10:14pm / Post ID: #

Gone Simply There Never Was Online Courtesy

Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour is also exhibited in the real world. I am not sure what is happening because I believe most of us have been taught manners but people live their lives like they have no care in the world.

Online, people can be extremely mean and discourteous. On top of everything else, they cannot be told anything. Wrong and strong.

6th Oct, 2017 - 12:48am / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone? Gaming Video & Issues Computer

international QUOTE (Pandora)
On top of everything else, they cannot be told anything.

Yeah tell me about it. Those are usually the ones that JB said do not care so they won't get anything from you taking the time to explain what you meant, being nice, apologetic, etc. I always say some like to give crap but cannot take any.

Post Date: 6th Oct, 2017 - 1:00am / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone?
A Friend

Gone Simply There Never Was Online Courtesy

As more and more kids of today get on line I see the common sense and the respect slowly dying a slow painful death as they all feel that they need to be rewarded right now for anything they do. They just do not think that they need to be courteous or anything else when on line because they deserve it right now. It is sad to say this is the way the world is turning out both on line and in real life.

6th Oct, 2017 - 1:11am / Post ID: #

Gone Simply There Never Was Online Courtesy

international QUOTE (KNtoran)
As more and more kids of today get on line I see the common sense and the respect slowly dying…

Sad to say I see many adults with this kind of behavior, I used to think it was just the young ones but I believe they move on to the next thing fast where as adults linger more probably because they are more sensitive or perhaps reactive to anything they think does not fit their perspective / prerogative.

international QUOTE (Play by post)
I always say some like to give crap but cannot take any.

Too true. I usually know from early how a person will be in the long term by their level of courtesy / acknowledgment of communication.

international QUOTE (Pandora)
Unfortunately, this kind of behaviour is also exhibited in the real world.

Yes, and I feel those that might try to manage their impulses in the real world take off their gloves online like a Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde scenario.

Post Date: 6th Oct, 2017 - 1:58am / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone?
A Friend

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone?

I think that online courtesy has never matched what it is in the real world. However, it is getting worse in my opinion. So many people have entitled attitudes and demand instant gratification. They have only heard good about themselves their whole life because we can't hurt children's feelings and now as adults they can't handle criticism. It's my generation for the most part. It is very embarrassing.

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Post Date: 6th Oct, 2017 - 2:02am / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone?
A Friend

Courtesy Online Was Never There Simply Gone

I don't think it's fair to simply blame the kids of today and I say that because it is our fault the kids of today are the way they are. By our fault I mean the generations that came prior to the millennials. First, many of us in these prior generations simply didn't put enough emphasis teaching our children in common courtesies, which aren't common any more. Second, we didn't and probably still don't put enough emphasis in expecting or demanding courtesy. Third, we probably don't put enough emphasis on being courteous ourselves and teaching by example.

I try to be courteous and follow what my parents taught me. I try to teach my children the importance of being courteous by words and by deeds. I hold the door open for those behind me, I offer my seat to women and the elderly, I try not to be too loud (But often fail), etc. Now, there is no doubt I have made my fair share of mistakes here on these boards, but when I do I try to fix it and not make the same mistake again. From what I have seen, the vast majority of people here do the same thing and that is a sign of courtesy to each other and to the mods. It's one of the things I like about these boards.

6th Oct, 2017 - 6:54pm / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online Was Never There Simply Gone Computer Issues & Video Gaming

Though I do understand that I'm not perfect in this front, and have made plenty of mistakes, I do generally try to keep courteous and treat others with respect.

Of course, it can be expecially hard when I start growing frustrated often when an exchange perspectives cannot be met as it were. Where perhaps I'm not understanding the perspective of someone else, or they are not understanding my perspective. Perhaps even it could simply be that we're seeing the exact same thing in two different ways. Sometimes it feels like it may be even a bit of all of this.

I will agree general courtesy and respect is something that seems to be dying in many circles, often as well the mentality of "Us vs Them" becoming more prevalent. With bickering, arguing, and an unwilling to listen or compromise. With so many people becoming opinionated, quick to anger or offense, and then disrespectful or rude to those who disagree with them.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 6th Oct, 2017 - 6:55pm

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