Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone? - Page 4 of 6

Jackson, don't let the bad people - Page 4 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 2nd Feb, 2021 - 2:31pm

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being unkind, toxic or salty on social media and other communities.
14th Aug, 2020 - 3:00pm / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone? - Page 4

Someone was recently bringing up this topic on a social media platform. They were tired of trying to share topics about their lives only to be judged and put down by the groups they joined. The following was my reply.

I have seen this happen many times (Toxic/salty replies) for many reasons. Writing in general: the internet is full of people who simply do not know how to communicate properly. Usually, what should be a discussion is often an uneven scolding where one feels they are the authoritative dispenser of all facts / truth (Including your personal life) and everyone else is the kindergartner now trying to find their way in life. As such, there is no opening or base for discussion because they are speaking with emotion and their own perspective. I have found that if the moderators / admin of a group is this way then there is no point to be in that group. However, if it is just a few members then simply blocking them will help.

Haters are going to hate regardless of what you do or say. What puzzles me is why a hater would choose to be part of something they hate or where they are hated. I hardly have time to do all I need to do in a day and such distractions (Toxic people) cannot be entertained in the least. As such, my advice to anyone in that situation where they are being bullied online - is to move yourself away from it - you don't need that crap.

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5th Nov, 2020 - 1:56pm / Post ID: #

Gone Simply There Never Was Online Courtesy

Attached Image QUOTE
As such, there is no opening or base for discussion because they are speaking with emotion and their own perspective.

To clarify, do you think you'd have to speak with less emotion or with less perspective?
To me emotion and perspective are not a bad thing per se, but they're not sufficient for productive discourse: empathy and civility are foundamental.

5th Nov, 2020 - 2:01pm / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone? Gaming Video & Issues Computer

Bloeri, no, I am not saying that. I am saying that only using emotion and a narrow perspective does not make for effective communication. Proper communication tries to understand what the other is communicating. If you do not agree, then simply respond as to why… there is no need to insult, belittle or become personal.

Rather off topic, but...
Please use the quote=[name] in the tag so we can know who you are quoting.

10th Nov, 2020 - 10:27am / Post ID: #

Page 4 Gone Simply There Never Was Online Courtesy

Yes I agree!

Attached Image QUOTE
If you do not agree, then simply respond as to why… there is no need to insult, belittle or become personal.

I was just trying to understand, that's why I asked to clarify. Unless you weren't referring to me (Alas, written communication is hard)

Rather off topic, but...
Thanks, but I can't figure out where to put tags in the editor…

10th Nov, 2020 - 10:32am / Post ID: #

Gone Simply There Never Was Online Courtesy

Bloeri, apologies, "You" in this instance is not meant to single you out and I could see how you took it that way. I should have written it this way, "If one does not agree, then one should simply respond as to why… there is no need to insult, belittle or become personal."

7th Jan, 2021 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online - Was It Never There Or Simply Gone?

Sometimes people get an “internet bravado”. They act and speak differently than they would in real life.

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23rd Jan, 2021 - 2:11pm / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online Was Never There Simply Gone - Page 4

For me since I grew up in COD lobbies I always saw it as jokes that can go too far at times. I normally try my best to be respectful but sometimes you can't help but let the frustration and anger slip through. Even the nicest people have a breaking point. I think Courtesy online certainly existed and still does in limited communities such as this one, But I also feel for large triple A titles or things like reddit, 4Chan, MySpace that it got lost somewhere. I wish it could go back to when I was younger when it was just harmless jokes taken out of line, but unfortunately I think it has evolved to actual disdain for your fellow human being. It's sad to see this as I've spent most of my life online. I used to love to be involved in communities and have discussions about different games, or beliefs. Unfortunately now those different beliefs are met with insults and degradation. Instead of understanding and compassion. I hope at some point we can go back to where Courtesy wasn't just that, a Courtesy, but instead a commonplace thing.

Attached Image Edited: Jackson on 23rd Jan, 2021 - 2:12pm

2nd Feb, 2021 - 2:31pm / Post ID: #

Courtesy Online Was Never There Simply Gone Computer Issues & Video Gaming - Page 4

Jackson, don't let the bad people out there limit your online activity. What I have noticed is that users online are gluttons for punishment. They keep going to places that will troll them as though they hope something will miraculously change.

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