Cedrick the Duke - Page 3 of 5

Meeting the townsfolk What can I say about - Page 3 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 19th Aug, 2018 - 11:48am

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12th Jun, 2018 - 11:05am / Post ID: #


Cedrick the Duke - Page 3

Message to Advisor

Greetings Dekrun,
I hope this letter finds you in good health.
I have joined the Fighters guild, today.
But, alas haven't fulfilled a task given by my love.
I still lack ediquite, and need to still gain that skill.
However, it appears I may have to go on a patrol, at Laifair.
I hope I'm up for it, for I need to increase my grit.


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13th Jun, 2018 - 11:33pm / Post ID: #


Duke Cedrick

No one shall lay low Cedrick the Duke. No Lord, no Knight shall be my scourge fer I have returned this 4th time to continue this adventure.

20th Jun, 2018 - 12:16pm / Post ID: #


Cedrick the Duke Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Breath of life comes to Cedrick the Duke. I am no undead despite this 5th reality of tears.

21st Jun, 2018 - 12:07pm / Post ID: #


Page 3 Duke Cedrick

Message to Advisor

Greetings Dekrun,
I hope this letter, finds you in good health, and spirits.
Ive recently died, but managed to gain another chance at living. With, that a chance to seek to become a ruler of kings.
Giant spiders, and ants seem to be most difficult to kill, and prove to be deadly.
At the moment, Ive decided to go out exploring on my horse, will at be my folly, or fortune, time will tell.

"A fellow soldier of kingliness"

13th Aug, 2018 - 10:47am / Post ID: #


Duke Cedrick

Familiar Description

Gredrys the Draconia has blue cat like eyes, copper, bronze color small, tiny scales, and copper colored leathery skin.
His build is small and muscular, resembling a cat sized dragon, with bronze colored leathery wings.
The draconia's tail, is very long and forms a small sting, at its tip.
Gredrys, has small sharp canines, and sharp claws. He can see in low light, and has both a keen sense of smell and hearing.
This draconia, is inquisitive, and has a fetish for fruit, and nuts. But can hunt and eat small rodents, birds and fish.

Cedrick, only has to whisper, or think out his name, and instantly he arrives on the scene. When Gredrys arrives he is loyal, but sometimes is insistent on being served food. Especially fruit, or nuts.

15th Aug, 2018 - 1:11pm / Post ID: #


Cedrick the Duke

Relation Description

Jasmine, wears a cream white cotton bodice with an attached navy blue skirt, laced to fit with bronze grommets. The full skirt is split down the front to show a modest peek of muslin under-dress.
She has long wavy brunette hair, her eyes are green, and is slim and shapely. We met briefly, at the Llafair tavern, where she entertained the locals with her lute, and in song.
She seem's quite happy, content and always very talkative and friendly.

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15th Aug, 2018 - 1:12pm / Post ID: #


Cedrick Duke - Page 3

Message to Advisor

Greetings Dekrun,
I trust that you are indeed well, and in good health and prospering in all things.
I write, to inform you that I have finally achieved a level of magic, in which I can now begin to train a familiar.

He is loyal, resembles a dragon that isn't any bigger than a cat. But, now I must invest some time in training him, to defend himself and fight if need be. For he will require much training, if he is to survive the rigors of patrols.
But to accomplish that, I need to spend some time in Llafair, by earning my keep by working at the local tavern.
Whilst, spending time at the tavern, I encountered a young brunette, whom was very talented with playing the lute. She seemed happy, singing folk tales, to the locals. I think I've grown fond of her, and would like to be able find time to spend with her.



19th Aug, 2018 - 11:48am / Post ID: #


Cedrick Duke Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 3

Meeting the townsfolk

What can I say about the fine people of Llafair. The Llafair Tavern is where I find work, fine ale and good company. Managed by Rose Applewaite, a pale middle aged lady, known for her commanding voice.

Another place I frequented is the familiar trainer. A middle aged fair woman usually dressed in colorful robes with gold frils named Sati Lemeck. Her home is on the outskirts of Llafair in what seems like a very isolated part of a forest. She works her magic and training is renowned.
Unilike other taverns this one has mostly males as its staff and enertainment since the proportion of women in this locality is far greater than the men in Llafair.

Llafair is a small city (Half the size of The Town) controlled by the Monarchy. Llafair is mainly known for the local folk's dabbling in mysticism and magicks. Of note is their pale white apperance. The use of mystic and unseen forces have led to discoveries and development in both the spirit and physical world. Some wonder if this is the cause of their paleness.
Many in Llafair are half-elves.Is it because of the city's close proximity to the Elf kingdom? The inhabitants are delightful.

When there are reports of raiders coming out of the dark forest and nearby surroundings to interfere with the people.
Patrols are sent out to deal, with the problem. It can be fortuitous, for many to go out on patrol.

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