As Thorin becomes seen the tavern becomes excited to see him. A wench offers a game. Thorin had not tried his luck at it in quite awhile but he doesn't let that stop him.
The Anglesey's thunderous Tavern Wench calls for a A Game of Nine Men's Morris of which courageous Thorin accepted. Your opponent plays with skill and cunning but you are still able to out maneuver him to claim victory at the game! Thorin uses the Nine Men's Morris Skill with a victorious outcome. Some were gambling on you, so a total of 19 gold pieces was collected for Nine Men's Morris. There are now chants of your name sung with joy. Thorin received 47 experience points.
As the wench approaches he replies, "I really came here for some food before I make my way to the plains to do battle but since you asked I will."
The Anglesey's loud Tavern Wench calls for a Lifting The Boulder of which the noble Thorin accepted. Thorin uses past knowledge to Lift and achieves a number of repetitions that beats out the competition! Thorin uses the Lift Skill with a victorious outcome. Some were gambling on you, so a total of 13 gold pieces was collected for Lift. There are now chants of your name sung with joy. Thorin received 64 experience points.
"I'll try, but I'm not confident in my own abilities, full disclosure," I tell the loud Wench as I get ready to accept the challenge.
The Anglesey's loud Tavern Wench puts up a dare for the A Game of Nine Men's Morris of which courageous Azarick accepted. Your opponent plays with skill and cunning but you are still able to out maneuver him to claim victory at the game! Azarick uses the Nine Men's Morris Skill with a victorious outcome. Some were gambling on you, so a total of 25 gold pieces was collected for Nine Men's Morris. There are now chants of your name sung with joy. Azarick received 49 experience points.
"I actually did it? That was really unexpected!" I exclaimed in surprise before humbly accepting the bets. I bowed to the crowd chanting my name before retreating to the room I rented to retire for the night.