Message to Advisor
I am learning to brawl. Its not like holding a weapon in your hand and a lot more tougher. They are not going any easier on me because I am a woman and I like that because it won't be easier in a real brawl. When I am finished with this I will need to look for some work to pay for my keep and training.
Mysterious Person at the Tavern
I saw a man at the tavern who approached me when I least expected it. He tried to calm my fears but I was a bit taken aback by it and the way he was dressed. One thing that helped me to be settled was his voice and charm. He had a way with words and put me at ease. Since I was in the tavern I thought I was safe enough to hear what he had to say. I was more shocked by an offer of an endowment than even our initial meeting. I began to wonder who it could be that would have my interest at heart. I decided to accept the offer and not make any mention of it to anyone else so as to keep the confidentiality of this gift.