Aldaris the Patriot - Page 3 of 3

Speaking To The Horse Aldaris turns to Bastian - Page 3 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 20th Aug, 2018 - 2:20am

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12th Aug, 2018 - 3:35pm / Post ID: #

Aldaris the Patriot - Page 3

The Guild of Bards is my new home. I shall learn all I can from the Guild of Bards.

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12th Aug, 2018 - 9:12pm / Post ID: #

Patriot Aldaris

The Town Guard

The Dream Whisper came again this night after I was checking on my beautiful familiar, Alena. She bid me write of the Town Guard. I am not entirely sure of what to say about them; as I do not know them overly well. What little I know - I shall tell; for the Dream Whisper has never led me wrong.

The Town Guard is made up of those who wish to serve the Town in the capacity of protecting the citizens, property, and of course, the Governor. I have never had to fight one - being a law-abiding citizen, but I have fought alongside them from time to time. In such moments, I have found them to be capable enough to deal with bandits, thieves, and others who dare to cause trouble - though not overly skilled. Their jail is a sturdy enough building and could likely stand against a small attack of three to five raiders, but anything more than that would likely overrun them. Certainly, I have never heard of any one escaping from the jail on their watch. Most seem common soldiers one would expect from guards, and that includes their manner of speech, attitude, and sometimes jokes. I am sure it is not the easiest of lives for them. I doubt they get paid overly much for their services; though perhaps for the common person it suffices enough.

18th Aug, 2018 - 11:20pm / Post ID: #

Aldaris the Patriot Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Thoughts on the Chancellor

The Dream Whisper comes to me as I prepare for sleep once more in the tavern at Llafair. For reasons I am still not clear on she has bid me write of the Chancellor here. I have done a great deal of work for the Half-Dark Elf which commands here, but I cannot claim any true friendship with him at this point. He has piercing eyes, and often looks quite worriedsometimes while stroking the small elegant beard he has grown. I cannot guess his age; for those who aren't Human seem to age differently. I do know he has great concerns upon his shoulderssome of which he has even had me investigate. Yet, the Chancellor of Llafair has also bidden me not to speak of such things to others. I dealt with the problem a couple of years ago for him, and I can tell it gave him a sense of both relief and further worry. Perhaps this is what I must look forward to when I become a ruler. He has been quite fair with the dealing out of his patrol rewards as I often go out to help his soldiers maintain a safe zone around Llafair. Some in the patrol do not believe he pays enough for what their services, but while two gold pieces does not seem a great sum it is easily supplemented by the gold taken from these blasted marauders who plague the area. I did hear a rumor that the Chancellors half-parentage comes from a time when his Mother was taken by a Dark Elf. It would certainly explain a couple of things about this man, and Llafair is well known for those with both sides of their birth: Elf and Human. I do recall learning a few things about keeping fit with the Chancellor, and it is said he teaches the specialized skill of fighting with a trident. This could even be his own choice of weapons in combat, but I have never seen him fight as yet.

20th Aug, 2018 - 2:20am / Post ID: #

Page 3 Patriot Aldaris

Speaking To The Horse

Aldaris turns to Bastian and shakes his head with a slight frown. "Apparently, this beautiful horse has not had his hooves cleaned in two long weeks, and one of the nails in his back-left shoe is rusted and irritating him. Both of these things make him unhappy, but it was the rum he was given by some drunk which caused his troubles more," Aldaris explained. "Who would ever give their horse rum deserves to be horse-whipped and stripped of any care of animals in their charge!!" Trying to regain his composure; Aldaris nods towards the beautiful black horse and continues on what else the horse had to say. Furthermore, apparently you all have not been feeding him enough apples. He insists the other horses get plenty, but that you all deliberately keep the same amount away from him. I personally don't see why he isn't taken better care of since he is clearly wonderful, intelligent, and strong as well as agile. In order to solve these problems you need only take care of his feet more often, mend the shoe he complained about, and give him some extra grain to take care of that rum inside him. Some extra apples wouldn't hurt for a while.

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