Meeting the townsfolk
She comes to me again: The Dream Whisper. It seems she has taken a keen interest in my affairs and wishes me indeed the best. In this encounter - she bids me speak of the citizens of the Town. This seems quite reasonable to me considering I am hoping to be their ruler someday. Of the ones I have met thus far: Stefan, Alana, and Lady Fluke are perhaps the ones I have interacted with the most. In the case of Stefan, he is the kind and helpful tavern keeper, and has certainly been someone I can trust. Were it not for him - I would not have the steady income from cooking for his guests. I know that perhaps sounds unworthy of one who is to be the Ruler of Kings, but this is not how I see it. One must learn to serve, before leading others. So, it is with those who wish to be rulers. How else is one to lead, if one does not first learn how to serve? In any case, I owe him a great deal of my current success. With the steady income from him - I have been able to use such money for my equipment, training of skills, and exploring my surroundings.
Of course, there is also Alana: Priestess of the Temple of Solace. I have not spoken with her as much I desire to, but then she seems to be a bit aloof towards me. I was, however, able to secure a special ring for her from the Jeweler: Sophia. It was a task I decided had to be done patiently and carefully, and I was not wrong in this assumption. For two ruffians attempted to steal her ring and the payment meant for Sophia from the Priestess. I was able to deal with them in short order - again thanks to Stefan funding my equipment and training. From there, I decided the best plan to move down my path to becoming a paladin was to learn more of the skills Alana could teach me. In this, she has thus far taught me Blessing and Rebuke Undead… both of which I am sure will come in handy. From her I also purchased a holy ring and symbol to better ward against evil. It is my hope to learn more from her before heading off to the academy for paladin training.
Lady Fluke makes me smile. She has a strangely benevolent way about her and has a fantastic way of helping those around her at the Palace of Parody. My current success also can be attributed to her, because without her help in sharpening my mind I would not now have the success I enjoy. Nor would I have the experience I need to be as well trained as I am in other areas. My poem of her was enough secure her aid, and from there we have enjoyed a good friendship. She does so love her Pretty Pebbles, and I hope to give her more as time goes on.
Bullies seem to be in Town more than I would like. They were harassing and stealing from the vendors at Market but decided enough was enough of that kind of behavior. For a small fee, I went in search of the ruffians, and made sure they learned a lesson not soon forgotten. I have heard since then the Market is more prosperous and safe… which is as it should be.
Over all, the citizens in Town are decent folk it seems to me, and I hope to learn more of them as I continue to live among them. Certainly, they are worthy of someone helping them in times of need.
Why Am I Aldaris?
A strange child as I was on my way to take care of my first quest for Stefan stopped me. Stranger still was her curiosity as to why I was good - for apparently she can know such things about the people who pass by her. I did not know immediately how to answer her, but I believe such must now be written down while I have the chance.
Why good? Why that particular choice?
I suppose the answer really is quite simple. My Mother, Alexandria, has much to do with my choice of good over evil. For she was always a good person, and she taught me the differences between right and wrong. Not only did she teach me such things, but it was she who helped guide me to maintain such a path of good. Of course, paladins are also good, and it would be rather difficult to be a paladin if I had decided on the road of evil. Never heard of an evil paladin before; so I am sure such has also affected my decision and road.
Familiar Description
I had not expected to gain such a beautiful familiar… much less a draconia, but she came with a whisper of her name: Alena from the silvery ring I wore once I slightly rubbed it. She came with slight swirl of silvery stars, and arrived with scales the color of aquamarine - though her eyes were a deep resonating sapphire blue. Almost immediately, Alena was there nuzzling up against me and purring like a cat. I confess, she was quite beautiful - stunning in truth! My little companion is quite sleek and agile… that much is quite clear to me, and I can tell her claws are sharp - though small at the moment. I suspect she is quite quick, but time will tell after we get to know each other more.
I am enchanted by her presence, and I can tell from the way she is moving around me and looking at me - the enchantment is mutual. Wondering how smart she is - I give a simple command for her to climb on the bed. She obeys so easily, and then curls up around her tail gazing at me through barely open eyes… quite content where she is at… even though it is now in the center of my bed. Alena seems to have claimed my bed, and I can't help but be slightly amused. Her scales shine brightly even in the dim candlelight of my room. When I come over to her - she lifts her head up curious as to my intention before I pick her up and move her to the side of the bed. However, she seems content with this new arrangement, and curls up next to me on the small bed. Though her scales I thought would be rough against my skin; in truth they seem soft, but very durable. Her presence there is cool and refreshing - which I found strange, but quite pleasant. I have never been one for furnace type heat. She softly continues purring while laying here with me, and I can't help but feel protective of her. Alena stretches playfully, and is not ready to sleep. Laughter escapes me as she suddenly bounds down to find shadows on the floor to chase instead. Clearly she is not only intelligent, but is quick, alert, and playful. I find myself wondering what will come next now that she has come to me. Change has come to my life with her arrival, and something tells me I have taken another good step towards becoming the Ruler of Kings.
Wish I could change this about myself
I wonder who she is… this Dream Whisper who comes to me at what seems to be random moments in my life before I sleep. Yet, this night she has bidden me to write of something I would change about myself. It is a strange thing to think on, but then I have never really considered what I might change in my short life. I suppose I would wish to be smarter and more spiritually attuned to my surroundings. While physically I am fairly healthy - I know I must become wiser and more attuned. The Ruler of Kings should not be one who is only strong of body, but keen of mind and spirit, perceptive, wise, thoughtful, shrewd, and more… yes… much more. All of it blends together in the end to be a truly wonderful ruler - the stuff of legends.
Yet, how would I be wiser or more perceptive? Perhaps that is a better question. She inquires as to what I would change of myself, and I wonder… what would I change to become wiser… to see with more than just my eyes?
Yes, I believe that is what I would do. If there were anything I would change; it would be to better see into the hearts of those around me. For as a ruler - one must be able to see with more than just their eyes. They must be able to read the people less they stumble and trip over those they serve. So many see the duty and position of a ruler is to have the people serve them, but I have never believed this is case. True, there must be governing, or else there would be only chaos, but governing is not to make the people servants to the crown. It is to serve the people with laws, order, protection, health, prosperity, and the like. After all, if the people prosper… if the citizens do well… then so does the person wearing the crown. This can't be done if one cannot learn to read the citizens.
So, yes, I suppose there is something I wish to change about myself… something I wish I did better in the immediate here and now. I can only hope Time is only my side enough for me to learn how to do so.
Breath of life comes to Aldaris the Patriot. Mine culpable negligence hath doomed me for the 2nd time all because of my fascinated past in this wishful thinking. I need to changeth mine calling.
I want to be a Ruler of Kings
She comes to me again after a long absence: The Dream Whisper. This time, the mysterious woman bid me write of my desire to be the Ruler of Kings.
Fair enough… perhaps writing such will allow me to sharpen my mind on what needs to be done next.
I have been to Llafair and Angsley by now, and have thus discovered some of the reason for my desire. Among those thoughts is a strong desire to see the towns prosper more. Llafair certainly can use such; for it seems small compared yo Town. Furthermore, I have now seen the marauders and other foes abroad. Some strike as close as the very outskirts of Llafair. The patrols encounter such villains rather frequently. This alone gives me a desire to unite the people against such bandits and thieves.
Yet, there is more. I sense darkness on the horizon I cannot explain. There are dark rumors about of battles and perilous regions with deadly intent. Perhaps these are what I sense coming into play soon. Whatever it is, I feel it will best be countered by a unified people and realm instead of division.