Message to Advisor
Helena, thankfully with your help I was able to buy a horse and leave the town to begin amassing some gold to feed my armies. Once I am done on the plains I will return to the town and let you know the latest in my victories.
John the Veteran joins the Adventure Party of Thorin
An unremarkable man with some average fighting skills and able weapon joined my ranks. He showed me that he can wield a weapon so I have no doubt about his ability but I am not sure if I will really need him unless I become desperate.
Deity of Thorin
Liona, the Goddess of Law, is a beautiful woman with all power over the just and justice. She seeks to avenge those who have been betrayed and bring justice to those who have become victims of evil. Liona is quick to answer her followers but also expects the same kind of worshipful dedication from those who pray to her.
Town Stables
I have been to the stables a few times. Sadly it was mostly to get a horse or transport to another city. I have also been there when my horse passed away. The stable handlers don't question me which is a good thing because it would be embarrassing to have to explain all that to them.
Town Exchequer
Definitely a man with unique talents for handling all the monetary things that we wish for the exchequer is someone I am glad to see each time I visit. Who wouldn't like the man that provides you with gold for a job well done.