ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG

Rok Ii Unusual Field Tests Pbp Rpg - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 31st Dec, 2019 - 6:14pm

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PBP Game This a test Thread for the Play by Post version of ROK II. To enter this Scenario a Character will have to follow the instructions at the Llafair Museum.
26th Dec, 2018 - 2:00pm / Post ID: #

ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG

The Game Master says...

Upon entering the Portal you are transported to what looks like a large green field located far from any established settlements. On the grass cut ground, that you estimate to be around 500' in radius, are various man made structures that are meant to test the physical prowess of a person. Beyond this are shrubs and overgrowth that would make movement very slow.

play By Post Game

At first, you are unaware of anyone else in the vicinity until you spot a 12' tall wooden lookout tower at the center of the grounds. It seems to be unoccupied but then a white mist appears from within it that gathers to form the outline of a female humanoid. Standing on the platform of the tower is a large busty woman who resembles Lady Fluke from the Town. Even with the resemblance you can tell it is not Lady Fluke because her hair is dark brown with skin that has a hue of olive and features that seem to be a bit softer. She smiles at you and calls you forward.

Going closer she calls you by name, much to your surprise and says,

"Welcome to these illustrious challenges meant to test your Skill and ability to cope with the displeasure of the world in which ye live. I see it is the first time that ye have entered the Llafair Museum's Rooms, but for what reason? If thou wilt stay and enter my field of tests ye must first state thy reason for entering this Portal. If thy answer is good enough then I will allow thee to participate."

You look around and wonder what to say....

Out of Character: This is a test Scenario for the new ROK II Play By Post System. To enter this part of the game it will be necessary to meet the requirements established at the Llafair Museum. I will be the Dungeon Master. At the moment, Krusten will be assisting me with the tests. Feel free to follow along to see how it plays out and the functionally of the new system. When we feel the tests are satisfactory then the Llafair Museum will be opened to more Characters.

The way this works was partially described here.

To enter this game see this Post.

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30th Dec, 2018 - 10:47pm / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Tests Field Unusual II ROK

Krusten tries to understand her surroundings and what has just happened to her. She remembers the curator at the museum then turning the key. The bright light and now here. The field is nice and open and yet she feels as though she is in some kind of prison. The appearance of a woman that calls her does not make digesting this place any easier but there is no one else so she moves forward to listen to what she has to say.

30th Dec, 2018 - 11:48pm / Post ID: #

ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The Game Master says...

The figure of a woman says nothing more than she has already said. She appears to be awaiting your answer to her question. She repeats some of it,

"If thou wilt stay and enter my field of tests ye must first state thy reason for entering this Portal."

31st Dec, 2019 - 4:20pm / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Tests Field Unusual II ROK

Krusten, wondering what kind of answer the woman wants, blurts out, "To test my skills of course!" She takes her sword and using her skill starts to twirl it every which way in a bid to show off a bit of what she can do.

Dice Krusten Results:
Sword Specialization (10)+body (+2) vs. Dice Roll D20: 15 Result: Routine: Fail / Difficult: Fail

31st Dec, 2019 - 5:49pm / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Tests Field Unusual II ROK

The Game Master says...

From behind the woman spring two devious looking short child-like looking elves dressed in all dark green with pointed stripped yellow and red hats. They immediately look at how your sword falls to the ground and let out a hearty laugh while pointing their fingers at you.

"Did ye say ye wanted to test thy skills or learn a skill?"

They laugh more. One of them seems to be enjoying himself so much that he bends over holding his tummy while laughing to tears.

31st Dec, 2019 - 5:59pm / Post ID: #

ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG

Krusten is amazed by the folly and wonders if the elves had anything to do with it. She looks at them with scorn and immediately picks up her sword to try again.

Dice Krusten Results:
Sword Specialization (10)+body (+2) vs. Dice Roll D20: 8 Result: Routine: success (4) / Difficult: Fail

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31st Dec, 2019 - 6:04pm / Post ID: #

ROK II Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG

The Game Master says...

Krusten redeems herself while performing some routine moves with her sword that slowly makes the elves gather their composure until they stop laughing. They shrug and somehow disappear behind the woman who smiles on until she says,

"Tricks are nice but when they are done in the form of a test it can be either a time of embarrassment or rejoicing. Do ye have any other visual skills to be noted?

31st Dec, 2019 - 6:14pm / Post ID: #

ROK II Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Seeing the wickedly rude elves disappear made her happy but she turns serious when she speaks to the woman because she notices its all part of her doing. Krusten thinks about the skills she can perform but insists, "I can show you another but I hope you're not altering anything to make me look bad!" For the first Krusten attempts to catch something she throws in the air while not looking directly at it. For the other she will attempt one of her most appreciated magic tricks.

Dice Krusten Results:
Reflexes (10)+body (+2) vs. Dice Roll D20: 16 Result: Routine: Fail / Difficult: Fail

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