ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG - Page 9 of 13

You do both challenges without problems and - Page 9 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 14th Jan, 2019 - 12:29pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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PBP Game This a test Thread for the Play by Post version of ROK II. To enter this Scenario a Character will have to follow the instructions at the Llafair Museum.
13th Jan, 2019 - 12:22pm / Post ID: #


ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG - Page 9

The last time Merlin was here he did not accomplish much and left thinking he could not handle it but now he wonders if he can and returns. Looking around he wonders what he is going to see.

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13th Jan, 2019 - 5:46pm / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Tests Field Unusual II ROK

The Game Master says...

All is as you left it… the tower, the ghostly woman smiling and the contraption which she bid you to investigate. As you move closer to the challenging mass of wood and metal you find that the following Skills will be needed: Climb, Run, Jump and Bash each done one at a time in order to pass its various stages.

13th Jan, 2019 - 9:43pm / Post ID: #


ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Merlin heads over the to contraption and has a good inspection of it. He thinks about the way he will approach each challenge and then begins to climb.

Dice Merlin Results:
Climb (10)+body (+3) vs. Dice Roll D20: 19 - Result: Routine: success (4) / Difficult: Fail / Formidable: Fail

13th Jan, 2019 - 10:51pm / Post ID: #

Page 9 RPG PBP Tests Field Unusual II ROK

The Game Master says...

Merlin barely makes it up the difficult climb but is relieved that it wasn't much harder or he would have surely failed and maybe even suffered from a fall. His next task, a fast run, will prove how speedy he can be.

14th Jan, 2019 - 3:13am / Post ID: #


RPG PBP Tests Field Unusual II ROK

"Oh man, I'm so glad I didn't goof it and fall" says Merlin to himself. He gauges how fast he must go to complete the run. When he is ready he goes full speed.

Dice Merlin Results:
Run (10)+body (+3) vs. Dice Roll D20: 12 - Result: Routine: success (11) / Difficult: Success (5) / Formidable: Fail

14th Jan, 2019 - 11:40am / Post ID: #

ROK II: The Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG

The Game Master says...

You make the run well and end up in a position to take the next challenge which is to jump. Following that Merlin will be able to attempt to bash down a door and get to the other side thus exiting the contraption.

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14th Jan, 2019 - 11:48am / Post ID: #


ROK II Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG - Page 9

Merlin thinks to make the jump and continuing from the momentum of that run in and bash the door right after in one go. It may be unwise but he is giving it a shot.

Dice Merlin Results:
Bash (10)+body (+3) vs. Dice Roll D20: 16 - Result: Routine: success (7) / Difficult: Success (1) / Formidable: Fail
Jump (10)+body (+3) vs. Dice Roll D20: 5 - Result: Routine: success (18) / Difficult: Success (10) / Formidable: Success (4)

14th Jan, 2019 - 12:29pm / Post ID: #

ROK II Unusual Field Tests PBP RPG Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 9

The Game Master says...

You do both challenges without problems and far exceed whatever barriers the contraption had that were meant to slow you down. As you return to the tower you do not see the ghostly woman anymore. Looking around the contraption is no longer there either. You decide there is nothing more for you here at the moment.

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