Just as before the elves pop out again and like a rehearsal start their same routine again with laughter and being silly. You are clearly surprised that you have failed again and begin to suspect there is something at work here.
Krusten, now vexed at being made fun of tries to take in a deep breath before ensuring that she gets it right this time. She focuses on the woman as she performs a reflex trick.
The woman continues to smile not making any noticeable action towards success or failure but this time she does suggest something new,
"For thy next trick, since reflexes art thy thing, make the trick a difficult one and not regular bling. After that make thy magick trick as well… they should both show now that I have adjusted my spell."
Krusten watches the woman's admittance of guilt about using her powers to augment her results. She watches her with squinted eyes and thoughts that aren't very friendly in nature. She attempts both tricks again after saying, "Let me do my thing woman without any interference!" For the reflex trick she tries to do something harder than before but with some doubt of being able to accomplish it knowing what is happening in this world.
For the first time the woman moves her hands and claps. She also says in monotone,
"Well done! You have proven yourself worthy for the events to come."
As she says this a contraption appears about 30' to her right. It looks like a small proving ground. As you look at it she says,
"Not just yet, I have something fer thee. Take a look at thy feet."
Looking down you see a small table appear with a fine meal and wine to spare.
Krusten observes the contraption and asks, "What does that do, make elves?" She looks at the food and not trusting any of it, specially because it was created using magic, she reaches into her bag and grabs one of her dried rations. She eats it slow trying to tease the woman about rejecting the food in front of her.
The woman, not moved by your antics, stays in her usual position smiling. After a pause she, with one arm pointing towards the contraption says,
"You can start this new test or see to thy Armies fer I know thy mind and that it is of concern to thee. Afterwards thou mayest return and continue thy tests."
Krusten is a bit surprised that the woman could know her thoughts but then again if she knew her name what else could she possibly know. She was concerned about her armies and decides to make her way back to them for now but she is sure to come back and test the contraption once she is done.