Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG - Page 6 of 26

Uncomfortable, she nervously replies, "Thank - Page 6 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 1st Apr, 2019 - 11:13am

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  Exorcism At Willow' s Pass A PBP Scenario set in the world of ROK II. Anyone can play at anytime but you must have an ROK II Character. To create a Character Start Here.
29th Mar, 2019 - 1:17pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG - Page 6

The Game Master says...

The girl looks at each of you as though trying to decipher your intent. She then says,

"Follow me"

She turns around and walks towards the village. While she is doing so she is constantly looking back as though to make sure that you are following her or that you are not trying anything underhanded.

At the village you approach an old stone building that appears to be large enough to house a 3 small families.

Before you enter she asks,

"Do ye have the token of good faith?"

She extends her hand with her palm facing upward in a cupping shape.

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29th Mar, 2019 - 1:49pm / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Pass Willows Exorcism

Thorin immediately thinks about gold when he sees her hand and pays six to the girl which would be the typical of a room each.

29th Mar, 2019 - 1:51pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

While this is happening Krusten will be looking at the other buildings in the village and the people around them to see if she gets the same vibe she had when she was watching them from a distance.

30th Mar, 2019 - 12:17am / Post ID: #

Page 6 RPG PBP Pass Willows Exorcism

Smiling on… nothing is said but she also takes the same position as Krusten trying to understand the purpose and intents of the people in the village.

30th Mar, 2019 - 2:30am / Post ID: #

RPG PBP Pass Willows Exorcism

The Game Master says...

Krusten and Sapphire can see no one traversing the area between the village's buildings but some of the strange local folk are peeking at you from behind the curtains set at the windows.You figure they do not get many visitors.

Meanwhile, Hunter hands the coins to the young woman. She looks at it puzzled as though she is unsure what to do with it but then quickly changes her countenance and smiles. She says,

"Thy host will guide thee to thy rooms and into the robes ye must wear fer the ceremony."

She then leaves and disappears into one of the other stone buildings.

Out of Character: This action makes me realize one thing I need to code in - deducting and adding in gold as necessary for each Player.

30th Mar, 2019 - 1:46pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG

Thorin looks at his lady companions, "Did she say robes?" he begins to wonder how he will deal with that because he has no intention of taking off his armor. He enters the place where the girl said they would be greeted by a host and wonders if it will be a vampire. He enters with "Hello?"

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31st Mar, 2019 - 2:39pm / Post ID: #

Exorcism Willow's Pass PBP RPG - Page 6

The Game Master says...

A middle aged woman dressed in all black hails you. She has a solemn face and seems to have been observing you from before but only made her presence known when you called. She explains in a short unemotional way,

"This be meh cottage fer travelers. Ye may stay in the room above next to meh son's room. I serve one meal… breakfast and then ye can forage, hunt or use thy own meals fer the rest of the day."

She observes all your weapons and comments,

"I do not like weapons in meh house, ye can store them in the chest, here be the key."

She points to a large wooden chest next to the staircase leading upstairs and gives you a small metal key.

At that same time you can hear a deep voice from upstairs say,

"Ma, is it visitors?"

Each step of the wooden staircase creaks as a hulking of a man comes down the stairs. He seems to be naturally large boned, and built like a half orc although he is visibly human. He has a rather droopy face as though he hardly got any sleep. When he sees you his eyes lights up. He is especially interested in the ladies among you.

He tries his best smile but it comes across as a smug grin when he says,

"Halo, welcome, welcome to our home."

1st Apr, 2019 - 11:13am / Post ID: #

Exorcism Willow's Pass PBP RPG Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 6

Uncomfortable, she nervously replies, "Thank you" to the man. She looks at Krusten and Thorin with her eyes wide open. She can hardly believe that this is the place they would stay.

> TOPIC: Exorcism At Willow's Pass PBP RPG


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