Having a Familiar
Amarog is my great companion. I do not know what I would do without his steady presence. When battling archers, he is invaluable. He barks loudly and a mighty wind arises, deflecting all arrows. He is one of the great prides of my life.
Worship of Pymurg
Oh Mighty Creator of the Stone People, each day we walk the surfaces and caverns of the world is a blessing. Thou has the gratitude of the dwarves, and we shall ever live by Thy Decree, that all art born free.
Having a Horse
Now ye won't ordinarily catch a dwarf on a horse. The beasts do not fare well in tunnels, y'see. But I have developed a fondness for my excellent stallion. He hath carried me to far reaches of the land a fought bravely. Indeed we are hardly to be separated and I relish the feel of my beard streaming behind me as we dash across the plains.
Message to Advisor
It has been a triumphant day, my noble benefactress. I forayed to a cave in the south, and slew a powerful warrior, wizard, and assassin. The one shot potions are great enhancements to my prowess! But now I must return to the Winterlands. It shall take me some time to prepare for the journey.