Ragnar the Savior - Page 4 of 4

Here lays Ragnar. He was a good man, with a - Page 4 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 5th Dec, 2019 - 3:35am

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ROK II RPG Character 997 Medieval Text Adventure
4th Dec, 2019 - 4:48am / Post ID: #


Ragnar the Savior - Page 4

I, Ragnar the Savior, was attacked by a Marauder Leader and was victorious in combat.

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4th Dec, 2019 - 6:03am / Post ID: #


Savior Ragnar

I, Ragnar, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 5 among my fellow men.

4th Dec, 2019 - 7:07am / Post ID: #


Ragnar the Savior Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Now that I have attained Level 6 among my people, ye shall see a more powerful Ragnar than otherwise might have been known.

4th Dec, 2019 - 7:17am / Post ID: #


Page 4 Savior Ragnar

The Resurrection of Ragnar the Savior. I, Ragnar, liveth for the 2nd version of mine wonder-struck self. Change the motive and I shall changeth the outcome.

4th Dec, 2019 - 8:55am / Post ID: #


Savior Ragnar

Mysterious Person at the Tavern

This stranger is very odd looking. He has a beak of a nose and very big dark brown eyes. He's bald with two scars on either sides of his jaw bones, looks to be caused by a sharp dagger. His solid frame and over sized hands really make me wonder. I'm really not sure what to make of him and his cold stare, and twitchy movements. He starts off by telling me about his small group of elite warriors and how his leader sent him here with a gift for the next ruler. He says my name has been spoken of far and wide here recently about my help with the towns folk. He tells me they see the potentional in my abilities and my character, and with this gift it will ensure my road to becoming ruler. All they ask in return is to be in a place of power, with the wealth they desire when the time comes. I tell him I accept these terms, and will put their gift to good use on my quest. I thank him and tell him to take this message to his leader. " when my days of ruling begin, I will make sure you have what has been requested in turn for this gift. Fear not, for I am a man of my word."

4th Dec, 2019 - 7:17pm / Post ID: #


Ragnar the Savior

Oh great Deity, Arith. I ask you give me life back so that i can continue to help the people in town, and the surrounding towns. Their is a lot of evil out there and i've dedicated myself to helping those who are good. I want a better life for humanity, and to be a factor in this struggle, i need life. So please great Deity Arith. Find it in your heart to help a mere human on his quest to better the world.

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5th Dec, 2019 - 3:35am / Post ID: #


Ragnar Savior - Page 4

Here lays Ragnar. He was a good man, with a good heart. He did not deserve the violent death that he recieved. He was a man of honor and pride. We will miss this beautiful bright soul in the world of darkness that surrounds us. May he rest in peace, and to find eternal happiness in whatever after life is destined for him.

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