Cedric the Dragon - Page 6 of 6

Cedric the Dragon Lives! It is mine downfalls - Page 6 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 18th Dec, 2019 - 2:37am

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Posts: 45 - Views: 1685
ROK II RPG Character 1006 Medieval Text Adventure
17th Dec, 2019 - 6:47pm / Post ID: #


Cedric the Dragon - Page 6

Message to Advisor

Greetings to you Eric. It's been a fine day for I have reached level 4 and become a member of the fighter guild. I also have a new member in my party. I achieved balance by raising my soul to an 11.6 and now I am on my way to greatness.
I tried to explore and visit other cities and kingdoms but I can't seem to find any which is strange!
Now I'm still developing my skills and exploring the surroundings while also avoiding danger, For I need gold and what better way than battle to obtain it!

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17th Dec, 2019 - 6:47pm / Post ID: #


Dragon Cedric

Familiar Description

It's been a blessed day because now my family has grown, now I have been joined by Smaugi the Draconia. He is a miniature dragon but no less deadly. A 3 feet body covered in black scales, sharp teeth and beautiful wings on his back. His legs got deadly claws, and his tail is massive. A true monstrosity that could throw a man in the air like a doll or chock him to death as if it was a big snake.
Smaugi is a proud being and you have to earn his approval first to be able to approach him.But as his master he is totally obedient and loyal to me. He is called by either saying " Smaugi Attack! " As he recognizes my voice or if I have to be silent I would have to tap his pendant in a special sequence of two quick taps, a stop and then another tap.
When he appears he will do so silently and attack my enemies quickly to take them by surprise. He will first release his fire breath and then close in for close combat!

17th Dec, 2019 - 6:47pm / Post ID: #


Cedric the Dragon Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Trea the Fighter joins the Adventure Party of Cedric

As I was searching for people to join my party I met Trea. A young beautiful woman and a fierce fighter. She might not be a veteran but she has potential.
She has been training for a while now and she experienced and survived some battles. I feel that she would be a great help as her skills in a bow and with the sword are amazing. And as we grow more experienced together she will become stronger and be of more help to the cause.

17th Dec, 2019 - 6:47pm / Post ID: #


Page 6 Dragon Cedric

Worship of Elia

Goddess Elia please accept my prayers and look favorably at your devoted follower. I am here today to worship you and ask for your help. Bless me o holy mother and forgive my sins. I pray that you might show me a sign so that I help convert infidels who don't believe in your grandness!

18th Dec, 2019 - 2:37am / Post ID: #


Dragon Cedric

Cedric the Dragon Lives! It is mine downfalls that caused mine 7th demise within this waking dream. What ambition do I need?

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