Lucius the Dragonborn - Page 2 of 4

I have defeated a Woodsman. Let all know that - Page 2 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 23rd Jun, 2020 - 10:30am

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ROK II RPG Character 1182 Medieval Text Adventure
13th Jun, 2020 - 7:45pm / Post ID: #

Lucius the Dragonborn - Page 2

Reflections On Your Mother

My rock, my strength and my life! That's how I would describe my mother. That's how ingrained she is with my life. It is inevitable since my father was always away, a soldier in an endless war. But don't get me wrong, I loved my father too. But it was my mother who shaped me and developed me. She was my first teacher, first sword instructor, and my first priestess. She had wisdom that was practical and logical at all times. She was someone beyond her race and age.

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13th Jun, 2020 - 7:45pm / Post ID: #

Dragonborn Lucius

House of Sorrows

"The way I see it, misfortune has besieged you and your family. Both children are the joy of your life and as much as you would want them to have a normal life, you can not since the society that you live in won't accept them. Same thing with your way of life. It doesn't conform with the society you're in. You see beauty, they see ugly. You see kindness, they see evil. You see normal, they see deviant. In order to maintain normalcy, you have created your own world within the confines of your property. So your children, your life, can live untouched with the cruel world outside your walls. A world that won't understand you. "
Lucius then places his left hand over his left breast.
"I won't pretend that I know everything, but this is how I see things here. And I am humbly asking for forgiveness if I got the meaning wrong and willing to be enlightened."

19th Jun, 2020 - 4:43pm / Post ID: #

Lucius the Dragonborn Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

While a Bully may be difficult for some a Bully is no match for me.

19th Jun, 2020 - 5:12pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Dragonborn Lucius

Mysterious Person at the Tavern

"This is to your advantage I promise you."
The man told me as soon as I sat across him. I pondered what he said while my right index finger traced an etched named on the old oak wood. "Chip," it read, etched in crooked letters. A few minutes before, I was sitting in the bar, minding my own business and nursing my drink, when one of the wenches, Leona I think her name was, stood behind me and whispered to me.

"That man wants to talk to you. He has a proposition for you, and I think you should listen to him."
She said, flicking her tongue at the end of her sentence, or was I just imagining it. Ever since I arrived in this town, I have heard one advice repeatedly given to me.
"The tavern ladies, always listen to them."

If another bloke told me that a man wanted to talk to me, I would have ignored him. And I might have given him a taste of my fist for disturbing me while I was having my ale. I consider my nightly ale as something solemn and sacred. It was the only time where I can enjoy myself and my drink. Even though the tavern was noisy and rowdy, my time for drinking always cleared my mind and gave me a chance to review how my day went. But since it was one of the tavern flowers, I decided to heed her advice.

"What do I have to do and what's in it for me?"
I asked him, noticing that he was human, and he had a long scar running from the left side of his forehead down to the cheeks, ending just below his jaw. We were sitting at the corner most table in the tavern, with a single candle light on top of it. He was about to pinch the flames out when I raised my hands telling him, "Leave it!"

I then studied him. He was around middle aged, 30ish human age, with thick black hair that reached just below his ears. He was wearing a black coat that covered whatever he was wearing underneath it. With the way he slouched, it was evident that underneath his cloak was a painfully thin body. Well, I'm sure he was thin since I observed that he had pale long thin fingers when he tried to doff the candle light.

He leaned closer, speaking slowly, clearly as if pronouncing every syllable of his words. I found it kind of funny, the way he talked.
He said "Dis is to your ad - van - tage!"
But since I didn't know who he was and what he's capable of, I decided just to shut up and listen.

"Let me tell you a story, and what I need you to do and what's in it for you."
He said in the funny way he speaks. I leaned closer, my curiosity overwhelming caution, and a bit drunk I guess.
My name is Cipro and I come from lands unknown to you. From where, you need not now. I come from a family of humans who have learned the arts of the dark night. I am sorcerer as others might call someone who wields magic. My father was a sorcerer, as well as his father before him. Our family has been keeping a sacred talisman for years. It has been and is the only prized possession that was passed from one generation to the next.
A few months before today, someone stole it and I was able to find the culprit. He was a traveller from this town in search of the famed gold of our land. But with no luck, he was broke and hungry after a month.
One night, my eldest son found him sleeping beneath the mango tree in our backyard. I invited him in, fed him and even drank with him. And then after, I let him sleep in my son's bed, while my son slept on a blanket beside me and my wife's bed.
In the morning, the traveller was gone. Being suspicious about his sudden departure, I checked our belongings and found that our prized possession was gone.
I travelled for months, catching his trail here and there, I finally found him in this town. Not much of a violent or physical man, I questioned him unsuccessfully. I then found out that his wife left him years ago, leaving his only daughter with him. I remembered during the night he got inebriated with the spirit I offered him; he confessed that his heart and life is dedicated to raising his daughter. He has high hopes for his daughter and dreams that one day, she would end up becoming a queen. Since he is not of noble birth, nor of warrior race, and being a thief and a worm to the society, there is no chance for his dream to come true. So he sent his daughter to work in the palace as a servant to the princess. Apparently, the princess, cruelly born with a deformity that left her with no legs, was a loner and became great friends with the thief's daughter.
Your quest, should you accept it is to kidnap the thief's daughter and hold her ransom till the thief hands back my family's prized possession. In return, for a risky mission, I would give you an elixir I have made that when taken, would make you strong like a wild beast in the field, like the king's hero and champion in battles, like a hammer that smashes the hardest boulder.

19th Jun, 2020 - 5:19pm / Post ID: #

Dragonborn Lucius

Reflections on your father

"He is to be named Lucius!" As such, my first memory of my father was through stories from my mother. As early as I could remember, my mother always said, "Your father, as much as he wished to stay home and be with us, he is bound by duty and honor to defend our race. He fights today so that you won't have to fight when your time comes."
I always knelt at the foot of my bed at night, praying and pleading with powers greater than us that they would allow my father to come home. But my prayers and wishes were never answered. I was 10 in human years when news came to my mother that my father, bravely fought before he succumbed to the enemies blades. I started to cry but my mother forbade it. She said,
"Your father lives among the glowing embers of dragon fire in the sky. You should rejoice that he has found his place among the warriors and heroes of our race!"

20th Jun, 2020 - 10:45am / Post ID: #

Lucius the Dragonborn

Angshous the Barbarian joins the Adventure Party of Lucius

Born in the far northern province, his mother was a camp wench while his father was a black smith. From his mother he learned cunning, street smarts and quick of mind. His father taught him preciseness, trusting his instincts and patience. After his clans camp was overrun by an army of orcs, Angshous headed towards civilization looking to hone his skills and for adventure.

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23rd Jun, 2020 - 6:12am / Post ID: #

Lucius Dragonborn - Page 2

I, Lucius, have gained enough experience that I am considered to be Level 2 among my fellow men.

23rd Jun, 2020 - 10:30am / Post ID: #

Lucius Dragonborn Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 2

I have defeated a Woodsman. Let all know that it be by the mighty hands of Lucius the Dragonborn.

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