The Etheral Plane of exsistence is part of the Scenario of a medieval fantasy character that you create in the world of Ruler of Kings II. It is accessible during a dream state and is better explained within the Players' Manual. Highlights here will include major accomplishments made by a Player within the kingdom such as the establishment of a Barracks or Castle and so forth.
For general comments about the ROK I module please see: ROK I - Dream State Thread.
I, Krusten the Ruler of the Kingdom of Asgardia, have realized the following; having 1,000 citizens or more establish their life within the kingdom's borders. Securing 10,000 acres or more of land so that my people can live, work and serve in Asgardia.
I, Nowen the Ruler of the Kingdom of Kolner, have realized the following; having 1,000 citizens or more establish their life within the kingdom's borders.
Within the Kingdom of Camelot on the 19th day of in the month of November in year of our Lord 521 the following was made real; having 1,000 citizens or more establish their life within the kingdom's borders. Securing 10,000 acres or more of land so that my people can live, work and serve in Camelot. Producing 1,000 or more wares.
I, Thorin the Ruler of the Kingdom of Dragon, have realized the following; having 1,000 citizens or more establish their life within the kingdom's borders. Securing 10,000 acres or more of land so that my people can live, work and serve in Dragon. Producing 1,000 or more wares.
I, Selinabeth the Ruler of the Kingdom of Stonia, have realized the following; having 1,000 citizens or more establish their life within the kingdom's borders. Securing 10,000 acres or more of land so that my people can live, work and serve in Stonia. Building 500 houses in Stonia as living quarters. Producing 1,000 or more wares.
I, Krusten the Ruler of the Kingdom of Asgardia, have realized the following; Cultivating at least 100 farms in which food is be produced. Building 500 houses in Asgardia as living quarters. Producing 1,000 or more wares.