A Dog Rat died due to my unique combat skills.
A Bat Swarm was one of the enemies that I laid low this day.
Most beautiful lady of Malik
A young woman with pale skin, shorter brown hair and green eyes wearing plain clothes. But it was not her incredible beauty that had piqued my interest but her intelligence as well. There is something different about her.
Message to Advisor
I have completed the friar labyrinth, earned some more gold and pebbles from so, started to learn the magician's trade, help a fair maiden with a scared pony and will my expert animal handling skills I calmed it, the maiden was over joyed of course granting me more funds.
First time in the Town
My first time in town was pleasant, but I was annoyed by the lack of real arcane practitioners in the town. How was I supposed to get better in this dangerous world when their isn't anyone powerful enough to teach me?! Beyond that the few skills that interest me nothing is of use. But those skills will require great funds and significant time which both seem to so far escape me.
The Beauty of Lady Fluke
One will rise, a hero or meet his demise, a realm he must save, or he'll end up early to the grave, show their might, destroy those to slight, he'd give up his sight, to grant the world so little light.
Today, my encounter with a Creep ended with me slaying the Creep.
The Resurrection of Malik the Watchman. I, Malik, have died but am alive again! My quest shall continue despite my 1st demise, no one shall keep me below.