Pres. Barack Obama & Islam - Page 3 of 3

You Don’t Know What Obama Said at the Mosque - Page 3 - Studies of Islam - Posted: 9th Feb, 2016 - 8:19pm

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  Pres Barack Obama & Islam Is Obama a Muslim or Muslim supporter?
Post Date: 7th Feb, 2016 - 11:15pm / Post ID: #

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Pres. Barack Obama & Islam - Page 3

Thank you Obama for your mosque speech

Whatever you think of Barack Obama's policies, don't dismiss the importance of his speech on Islamophobia. Ref. Source 3v.

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Post Date: 9th Feb, 2016 - 8:19pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Islam and Obama Barack Pres

You Don’t Know What Obama Said at the Mosque

If you seek to understand Barack Obama and his views, the best place to go is his speeches. But you have to read them in their entirety, not rely on hearing them or on the media’s summary of them. When you do, you realize how often what Obama says is morally and intellectually confused and even untrue. The most recent example was his speech last week at a mosque in Baltimore. In addition to reassuring Muslim Americans that they are as American as Americans of every other faith — – a point that any president, Republican or Democrat, would and should make – President Obama spoke... Ref. Source 2f.

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