British MP Blasts U.S. Efforts to Keep Evidence Hidden in Gitmo Torture Case
Political Agenda Based News
A British court has heard evidence Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to prevent the disclosure of details on the alleged torture of a Guantanamo Bay prisoner. Newly revealed British government documents show Clinton warned British officials the Obama administration would end intelligence sharing if it revealed evidence in the case of Binyam Mohamed. Mohamed was released from Guantanamo in late February after seven years in U.S. custody. He says he was repeatedly tortured at a secret CIA prison and at Guantanamo. In February, leading conservative British parliamentarian, David Davis, came to the United States to speak with U.S. lawmakers about Mohamed’s case. Davis, a former shadow Home Secretary and a former member of the British special forces, has been critical of torture and ‘extraordinary rendition.’ We spoke with Davis about the attempts by the Obama administration to suppress evidence in the case Past coverage of Binyam Mohamed:
Guantanamo Attorneys Face Possible Prison Time for Letter to Obama Detailing Client?s Allegations of Torture Lawyer: Freed Gitmo Prisoner Binyam Mohamed Experienced ‘Nightmare We Can?t Imagine’
Source: Democracy Now! Blog
Hmm. So, if I "blast" this British MP for being a wimp and an Islamic collaborator, do I get in the news? Obama and Clinton have begun to learn that it would NOT be a good idea for them to really antagonize the military and CIA. They are both already treading on thin ice with their constant snide remarks. Not that either of those organizations would attempt to revolt or anything, but there are a LOT of people in the US who are very supportive of both organizations, and are not happy that the President and the Secretary of State are releasing security secrets.
So, one MP expresses this opinion. How about a roll call vote from all of the British MPs on their opinions on this and a myriad of other subjects related to the terrorists. It is easy to stand back and condemn and complain about how the US has done things. I want to know what this guy has done to eliminate the problems of Islamist terrorism.
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