Low Self Esteem - Page 5 of 8

There are many things in this thread that - Page 5 - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 24th Feb, 2005 - 6:17am

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[Psychology] How can I get it up and make it stay there so i can feel good about myself and others!
Post Date: 7th Oct, 2003 - 11:34pm / Post ID: #

Low Self Esteem
A Friend

Low Self Esteem - Page 5

I'm not a good psychologist...sometimes i just don't have patience to listen to people problems and stuff.  When a friend comes to me with a personal problem i normally send em to a different friend

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Post Date: 8th Oct, 2003 - 12:55am / Post ID: #

Low Self Esteem
A Friend

Esteem Low

No, your not a good psychologist.   Our older bro is a genius, he has a 4.0 in psycology, computer science and multimedi and all that crap.  I wanna go to college, it seems like so much fun.

Post Date: 17th Nov, 2003 - 5:35pm / Post ID: #

Low Self Esteem
A Friend

Low Self Esteem Health & Special Psychology

Well sir, I Don't think its right to generalize. Maybe for the 'general public.' It's very possible, but the people you say that focus being someone else, and I dont mean at all to be offensive, but arn't they just fake people. I mean you generalize like that, I perosnally don't try to be anyhting but myself. Even if I'm only 14 or 15-I still have found out who I am. Now of couse I find myself guilty sometimes of being fake-or trying to change who i am to fit in. But not all the time. This post-somewhat relates to my other post on...um..well I dont remember- might have been about..eh..OH judging-It's pretty natural for most people to do that- as long as u dont let it affect who you really are and how u act like that around your close people....
Again-i talk to much

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2004 - 6:21am / Post ID: #

Low Self Esteem
A Friend

Page 5 Esteem Low

The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. I think one reason most people are so quick to want to have the life of somebody else is because we get so bored with our daily routines. It's easy to look at a famous person's life and it seems as if it's more exciting than our day to day. I know for me, it's so easy to get caught up with being busy and being stressed out that it's hard for me to stop and enjoy what I do have.

If I really thought about it, then I would say that I would want to be me. Yes, there are plenty of things about me I don't like. Yes, there's a lot about me that had I had it my way I would have wanted differently. But then I think about how it wasn't about me. I wasn't made how I would have wanted me, because how I may have wanted me isn't what I needed to be. God had His own plan, and it took me a long to realize and accept that He made me how He wanted me. There's a lot in my life I've gone through and have wondered what purpose certain trials played in my life. God turns right around and uses those situations with other people and helping them. He's taught me not to want more than what He's made me to be.

I've gone through life being teased because of my pale skin, freckles, and glasses. Kids will be cruel, but during my junior year of high school, I just got to a point to where I didn't care. I'm never going to live up to being the stereotypical beauty queen, nor do I care to spend the time and effort trying to live up to a standard that doesn't truly exist. Most models that people base their idealistic person on don't truly look how they're portrayed. Computers can do amazing things nowadays, and it's not hard to tweek pictures to make people look how the world wishes them to look. My boyfriend thinks I'm beautiful, so why should I spend my time trying to impress somebody else? I was made how I am for a reason: That's how God wanted me.

Post Date: 30th Dec, 2004 - 9:34am / Post ID: #

Low Self Esteem
A Friend

Esteem Low

I would lie if I would not say that I want more for me. I want to better myself, to have more success, more friends but never have a choose somebody I want to be like. Maybe a model is a good thing but the way I want to be is different then I found on the market:) so I am on my own.

30th Dec, 2004 - 5:54pm / Post ID: #

Low Self Esteem

I can't say I know of many people I would actually like to become. There are some people who are examples of specific facets of my life's goals, but nobody with whom I would willingly trade places. Whenever I'm feeling depressed, and somebody asks me if I'm going to be okay, I usually reply that everything will work out fine. Then, sometimes I add, "Don't worry. I'm much too vain for suicide!" It's true. Even in my worst times, I like myself too much to do something so permanently drastic. No matter how bad things seem, I would rather be myself than anybody else.

To fantasize about others' wealth, fame, beauty, and power is natural, but to fool oneself into believing that those are the important things in life is dangerous. All these things can become insatiable appetites if they are the focal point of one's life. Rather, I hope I will desire foremost to achieve my potential, whether in spiritual matters, physical strength, interpersonal relationships, development of talents, or any other worthwhile area. I'm stuck with me for eternity, so I'd better make myself into somebody I can tolerate.

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30th Dec, 2004 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #

Low Esteem - Page 5

I agree with Howe. There are some times when a trait of mine has failed me, that I wish it would be switched with some one else. When I am impatient, for example, and see my sister next to me waiting patiently, I often say I wish I had her patience.

But to become that person altogether is too much, for maybe she has the patience I lack, but I have many qualities she doesn't have. For that reason, I would like to stay me - because no one is perfect, and even if you were, perfection is not necessarily good, for you will find yourself envied by many.

Post Date: 24th Feb, 2005 - 6:17am / Post ID: #

Low Self Esteem
A Friend

Low Esteem Psychology Special & Health - Page 5

There are many things in this thread that have already been said that I agree with, so I will try to only add to what has already been said. I used to want to be someone else, but now those feelings have changed to feeling that I want to be like them. My personal beliefs are helping me in my self-esteem by knowing how much my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me. In my opinion, they love me because I am, because I exist as a child of God. Of course, when I make mistakes I feel that God is disappointed in me, but He never stops loving me. This helps me because I know that I am loved simply for me, for who I am right now, and that makes me feel good about myself. In saying that, I know that it is important for me to try to improve as much as I can in this life. In the long run, the only source of true self-esteem is based upon my own perceptions of myself and my standing with God. My goal is to live that concept within myself every day. In saying that, my husband also loves me in this way and it does have an impact on my self-esteem. I don't know whether it's 'right' or a good idea to include his thoughts and feelings about me in determining my self-esteem. He has often told me that he loves me just because of who I am with no specific qualities necessarily attached to that. I think his opinions are healthy for me, but I don't know if I should 'depend' upon his thoughts to improve my self-esteem or not. Maybe not to depend upon his opinions of me but to take them into consideration is the correct way for me to look upon his thoughts about me. I would appreciate any opinions on that question.

I want to address the concept of relying upon others to increase my self-esteem. It has been said, and I agree to an extent, that how I feel about myself should only come from me, not from what others think and feel about me. That principle has been very difficult for me to understand and live because of this reason; in my opinion, everyone has to start somewhere. I think that almost all people that have high self-esteem have needed to be loved first by somebody at some point in their life. It is very difficult to love yourself if you never received love in the first place. There is a poem called Children Learn What They Live, and what the poem is trying to illustrate is that if we want children to be all the good things they can be, they need to receive it first, or be given an example of it. (Click HERE to read the poem.) An example from the poem is, "If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive. If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves." I believe that these concepts are true when applying them to self-esteem, especially for children and youth.

While I state that I believe that what I have received and internalized from others has had a great impact upon my self-esteem, I also believe that I no longer need to let the thoughts and opinions of others lower my self-esteem. I think that at some point, I need to take responsibility for how I feel about myself no matter what could be influencing me. I am learning to have confidence in myself and let the good feelings I have about myself be the guiding factor in my self-esteem. I believe in taking responsibility for my self-esteem now, but I can understand that someone who has low self-esteem isn't a 'bad' person for feeling that way. Sometimes a person is avoiding taking responsibility for their self-esteem and sometimes a person has not yet learned how to raise their self-esteem, but they are trying to learn. The difference between the two is sometimes clear to me but most of the time it is too hard for me to judge. Either way, I have compassion for anyone that has low self-esteem and I want to do all that I can to help that person.

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