Commentary: Dare To be Great: Getting fired may not be so bad!

Commentary Great Fired Bad - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 25th Aug, 2009 - 12:43am

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Caribbean Issues - Regional commentaries
Post Date: 24th Aug, 2009 - 5:05pm / Post ID: #

Commentary: Dare To be Great: Getting fired may not be so bad!

Commentary: Dare To be Great: Getting fired may not be so bad!
Attached Image Issues Affecting The Caribbean

Yes, getting fired may not be so bad. You must look at the positive, it is an opportunity for change and growth. People generally equate the words fired, laid-off, downsized, or terminated as a death sentence. However, if you try to just see the good that hides in this situation as an optimist sees opportunities...
Source: Caribbean Net News Daily Headlines: COMMENTARY

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25th Aug, 2009 - 12:43am / Post ID: #

bad so not fired Great To Commentary

I agree. Sometimes things happen for the best. One of my friends left his job of twelve years as a manager at a book store. Chances are that he could have eventually became owner, in the best case scenario. Today, he manages his own business, and serves as manager, managing director and owner. He reports to no one and all his efforts (or lack of thereof) would prove to beneficial or detrimental. Before all his hard work was attributed to some one else. Now he enjoys the benefits of his hard work, and feels a sense of accomplishment knowing that everything he does will impact positively on his line of business

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