Seek to Create the Ideal Family
Mormon Doctrine / Teachings
"Through the restored gospel we learn there is an ideal family. It is a family composed of a righteous Melchizedek Priesthood bearer with a righteous wife sealed to him and children born in the covenant or sealed to them. With a mother in the home in an environment of love and service, the parents teach their children, through example and precept, the ways of the Lord and His truths. They fulfill their divinely appointed roles mentioned in the family proclamation. Their children mature by living teachings instilled from birth. They develop characteristics of obedience, integrity, love of God, and faith in His holy plan. In due course, each of those children seeks a companion with similar ideals and aspirations. They are sealed in the temple, bear children, and the eternal plan continues, with generation strengthening generation."
-- Richard G. Scott, 'First Things First,' Liahona, July 2001, 7
Through the restored gospel we learn there is an ideal family. It is a family composed of a righteous Melchizedek Priesthood bearer with a righteous wife sealed to him and children born in the covenant or sealed to them. |
The ideal family would be modeled after the pattern lived by Our Heavenly Father and that would necessarily mean wives over "wife."
But back to the quote: Isn't that a wonderful description of an LDS family? I'm still often amazed at this simple truth, and how the world so utterly rejects it. I can't see why people would not strive for this beautiful and peaceful family environment. I'm very grateful my wife gets to stay at home with our baby and be there for her, and we don't need to give her to some strangers during the day. It's such a blessing. I Love the Gospel! :) Edited: OldSouth on 8th Oct, 2009 - 1:19pm
Actually, for some reason, I have been contemplating the "ideal family," my observation would be that you would have to have a really really good husband to head the family, lead them, bless them, teach them, who is equal to, but in a different way, by his wife who rears the children, and then the children have to have a connection and deep love and respect for the parents. Yes, that does sound like the Primary song. I think this pattern will create the best results. But if that is not the hand you were dealt, success can still be obtained....I just think the full amount of blessings won't be realized; my opinion.
Old South, I know having more than one wife may sound fun, but most men can't get it right with just one wife..
Do you not think God is perfect, and His family pattern which He - the creator of us all - lives in is the ideal? If so, then you would believe in the Gospel Joseph Smith preached, and Brigham Young and their successors.