Is The Government Poisoning Children?

Is Government Poisoning Children - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 7th May, 2013 - 6:41am

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Post Date: 27th Sep, 2009 - 2:40am / Post ID: #

Is The Government Poisoning Children?

Is The Government Poisoning Children

Is it true that there is ulterior motive for drugs with poisonous substances are being forced on children through immunization?

Political Controversy

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28th Sep, 2009 - 12:31pm / Post ID: #

Children Poisoning Government Is

I can't say that the government is directly poisoning children, but I do believe that the requirement for it is overdone. Interestingly enough here is the latest news on medications and children:

Attached Image QUOTE
500,000 kids suffer bad reactions to medications

CHICAGO - More than half a million U.S. Children yearly have bad reactions or side effects from widely used medicines that require medical treatment and sometimes hospitalization, new research shows. Children younger than age 5 are most commonly affected. Penicillin and other prescription antibiotics are among drugs causing the most problems, including rashes, stomachaches and diarrhea. Ref. Source 9

28th Sep, 2009 - 11:30pm / Post ID: #

Is The Government Poisoning Children? Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I think they're poisoning them, not only through immunizations but trough over medication. I am not against immunization but the amount is quite ridiculous. In my first visit to the US, I could not believe how quickly people were willing to medicate their kids for the smallest of problems.

Post Date: 17th Sep, 2010 - 11:45pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Children Poisoning Government Is

Pushing drugs on kids: U.S. Drug Firm Penalized $300 million for Criminal Actions:

A major U.S. Drug company, Forest Pharmaceuticals, has agreed to plead guilty to three charges related to selling an unapproved drug, promoting an antidepressant to children and obstructing federal agents. Ref. Source 7

Post Date: 18th Nov, 2010 - 12:56am / Post ID: #

Children Poisoning Government Is

Name: Jayme

Comments: Hi, I'm a Chiro in Iowa I always have questions about immunizations. I personally feel that the US Doctors prescribe drugs when they shouldn't like antibiotic with a virus. Undue surgeries putting tubes in kids ears, taking out tonsils. It's really sad, I try to educated all patients about educating themselves and the importance of second opinions.

5th Sep, 2012 - 1:30am / Post ID: #

Is The Government Poisoning Children?

I've always wondered what they put in those injections... Maybe its doing more harm than good, its so hard to say but from the studies that have been performed it has been found to be relatively safe, but can they say otherwise? There would be massive lawsuits all over the world.

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Post Date: 19th Apr, 2013 - 5:30am / Post ID: #

Is Government Poisoning Children

UN urges parents and caregivers to protect your world get vaccinated for Immunization Week
Issues of Youth for Parents

18 April 2013 150 There is an urgent need to improve vaccination supplies and to better communicate the health benefits provided by vaccines, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) said today ahead of World Immunization Week, noting that up to 22 million children are not being immunized against preventable diseases. "We have seen some major advances in the development and ...
Source: Kids News

Post Date: 7th May, 2013 - 6:41am / Post ID: #

Is The Government Poisoning Children?
A Friend

Is Government Poisoning Children Culture Family Travel & Consumer Reviews

I sincerely hope not cause that would be terrible. The fate of the world rests in our children.

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