The fact that something as easy as getting the birth certificate and showing it hasnt been done pretty much seals it for me that there is something odd here. However, as Nighthawk said, he is President. He has been sworn in and there is no chance that anyone is going to change that situation. It was bantered around during the primaries, but everyone stayed away from it to a degree. The republicans were actually hoping that Hillary would go after it when she started her slide in the polls, but team Clinton knew that if they pulled this card it was just going to look like they were going after Obama because he is black. When Hillary passed on it and lost, then the opportunity went to McCain. A old white republican (forget the maverick stuff here) going after the democrat's african american nominee and he brings up a challenge to citizenship...not going to happen. McCain didnt bite. Some of the republican supporters raised voices a bit, but that was about it. We will find out the truth about 30-40 years from now, when someone does a review of Obama or modern presidents. I am sure the book will be entitled "You LIE!'.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
If Obama were born outside the USA couldn't his Presidency be contested though? If you are in a position because of fraudulent actions then that nulls everything that put you in that position. Basically, I feel there is no case or possibly no way to prove a case, therefore it was left alone.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
In my opinion, the question had to be answered in the primaries. Basically, if the truth was to be found out, Team Clinton was going to have to do the dirty work. Hillary was coasting intitially and by the time she realized she was in trouble, everyone was tiptoeing around on eggshells to not say anything or think anything that might in the slightest be thought of as racist or racistly motivated. This is why Bill was so upset...he saw that Hillary was handcuffed by the situation. This topic continued low on the radar throughout the election and no one wanted to really drive it home to an answer. It continues today. All they would have to do is show a original birth certificate...but they cant or wont. So since there no birth certificate showing that he was born in Kenya or wherever (I am guessing that there are a few Kenyans without a good birth record), you have a lack of evidence. I would agree with it, but the simplistic ease with which the whole topic could be dispatched by Obama, because he does know about it, is also a lack of evidence.
Since he made it through the primaries and general election and is now the President, there is no use in going after him. The US would not want the embarassment of having to remove him, showing the world our electoral process is hugely flawed, the inevitable race issues that would ensue... Nahhhh...he is there for at least 4 years.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
It wouldn't surpirse me in the least if Obama is a Kenyan. Maybe he's really a Moslem too and only pretending to be Christian. American has to correct her mistakes by ensuring that the next round of elections sees these aliens out!
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 49 4.9%
Beck Talks: About them birthers
For the uninitiated, a 'birther' is someone who believes that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Glenn is NOT a birther in any way, shape or form. The media is doing their best to paint tea party goers as part of the kook birther movement. But, who are birthers more likely to be affiliated with? Glenn has the interesting results in the latest Ref. Source 8
While Gingrich Says Obama Acts "Kenyan, Anti-Colonial," What Does a Real Kenyan Anti-Colonialist Think? A Conversation with Novelist Ngugi wa Thiong'o
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is coming under fire from many Democrats for saying one needs to turn to "Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior" in order to understand President Obama. We turn to a recent interview with a real Kenyan anti-colonialist: Ngugi wa Thiong'o, a world-renowned novelist, playwright and literary critic, and Distinguished Professor of English at the University of California, Irvine. Ref. Source 6