Palestine vs. Israel - Page 3 of 110

I am not going to get into the religious end - Page 3 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 10th Mar, 2003 - 4:05pm

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Posts: 874 - Views: 65244
Poll: Which statement is the MOST true for you with regards to the Israeli vs. Palestine conflict?
  Israel is a terrorist State       10.94%
  Palestine is a terrorist State       23.44%
  Palestine has no claim on anything since the last war       6.25%
  Israel should withdraw and allow Palestine to become a State       9.38%
  Israel is only doing what the USA wants       3.12%
  Palestine is only doing what the Islamist want       1.56%
  Both people are equally blood hungry       10.94%
  Both people really want peace but are blind       9.38%
  Israel owns the Middle East       1.56%
  Israel does not belong in the Middle East       9.38%
  Palestine are angry because they were conquered       1.56%
  Palestine was there first and deserve their land       12.50%
Total Votes: 64
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Palestine Statehood Who Is Right? Should Palestine be its own soverign nation state? Why is the USA attempt to block this from happening? Is Israel using an apartheid system much like South Africa did where people are segregated into undesirable areas and become unable to access the basic necessities of life? Does Israel have a point that they have major security challenges against those trying to harm them? How can this be resolved or will it ever? Will there be a Palestine state?
Palestine vs. Israel Related Information to Palestine vs. Israel
9th Mar, 2003 - 3:25pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 3

World pressure is intense on Israel. If they could get a break from those attacks, they would give the Palestinians what they want.

I agree with that, BUT the only problem is they will then be able to have a military and I think the war will grow to an unbelievable stage because I very much doubt the zealots will ever stop their bombings.

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9th Mar, 2003 - 3:37pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine

I keep telling you folks I am a peace-loving man.

Okay okay, I believe ya...just include dogs too please ;D

Now, going back to the subject and hearing both sides I tell ya, both of them like blood, yes they do, both of them WANT to kill each other, each one of them can call it 'defense' or whatever they want but because of the pain and suffering that both sides go through every day, the hate grows and grows to the point that they breath just to kill one of the opposition.....
I don't think it matters anymore who is right or wrong, but whether what they're willing to do, to sacrifice in order to obtain the peace for their own people.

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2003 - 4:32pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel Judaism Studies

You have both hit the nail on the head!!!!

Why the rest of the world even bothers is beyond me.

These are both warrior cultures. They love it!!!

This is Issac and Ishmael, guys and gals.

Sharon and Arafat would have no reason to live without each other.

I say we all go away and leave them in peace- uh war.

9th Mar, 2003 - 8:43pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Israel vs Palestine

That's so true Stranger until both nations realize what they're doing, I don't see the need for other countries to get involved something that they know its not going to take them no where. They will not stop until everyone of them dead, sad but true. :(

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2003 - 9:39pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Israel vs Palestine

You see, our views are not so far apart after all.
We, the greater world, are spinning our wheels on this one.

The rivalry between these two cultures goes back many, many centuries. It goes back before Islam was even born.

Most of the western world has no comprehension of it. It is tribal.

I have grave doubts about our efforts to bring "democracy" to Iraq or anywhere in that part of the world.

I heard an interview with a Moslem cleric in- I can't remember the country, Switzerland? Don't know.

But he was discussing the problem of bringing followers of Islam more into the mainstream of European life, and he himself stated that "Islamic thought came to a standstill five centuries ago".

that made me think, 'so how are we, or anyone else going to make them understand the principles of free, independant thought"?

9th Mar, 2003 - 10:41pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel

The rivalry between these two cultures goes back many, many centuries. It goes back before Islam was even born.
Most of the western world has no comprehension of it. It is tribal.

That's so true! that's why I think this situation doesn't have any solution, I know this is not the religious section of the forum but if you read the Bible concerning the Second Coming of Christ, all this is prophecy that must be fulfilled.

But he was discussing the problem of bringing followers of Islam more into the mainstream of European life, and he himself stated that "Islamic thought came to a standstill five centuries ago".
that made me think, 'so how are we, or anyone else going to make them understand the principles of free, independant thought"?

But that's the point. They don't think that what we have is freedom of thought or expression, think about it we?. They think that our way of living goes totally against their religion, if you notice from the western world how many people who call themselves Christians or any other religious group LIVE by what they preach? What I try to say is most jews, muslims and those religions that have been in the world for centuries are not merely a religion BUT a WAY OF LIFE. They breathe based on what Allah or Torah says...they really live according to their beliefs or at least it seems so. In the Western world you will find very few examples like that, that's why when the muslims for instance see Hollywood stars and their portrait of money and beauty or women walking almost nakes in NYC, they go crazy! they think it's something totally and definetly 'evil'! (and they're not so wrong to me) ::)
So when they hear Bush saying that the problem is that they 'envy' them this people get sick and it's understandable...oh boy...did anybody tell Bush he should keep his mouth shut sometimes? ::)
Going back to the subject, Palestine and Israel are not going to get any peace. And if the prophecy is right, then in a momeny ALL nations of the world will rise against Israel and when they're almost to be killed by this last great war is when the Christ is going to appear (Second Coming) and release them from 'bondage' once again.
I deeply feel sorry for the lost of lives every single day of both sides, it kills me when I see the little children being hurt :(

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10th Mar, 2003 - 10:30am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 3

Interesting... sometimes we think of what the Israeli soldiers do... but there is also other tatics...

From Arab News:

Water Is a Method of Political Control"
Roger Harrison, Arab News Staff  RIYADH, 10 March 2003 - "The way water is being used as a method of control in Palestine is a hidden agenda that rarely reaches the media headlines," said Dr. Nidal Salim of the Palestinian Water Authority. "It's a hidden war that has been going on since 1948."

Post Date: 10th Mar, 2003 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel Studies Judaism - Page 3

I am not going to get into the religious end of it other than to say that

This is exactly why we have the separation of church and state in America.

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