Palestine vs. Israel - Page 2 of 110

My type? I keep telling you folks I am a peace-loving - Page 2 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 9th Mar, 2003 - 11:05am

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Posts: 874 - Views: 65243
Poll: Which statement is the MOST true for you with regards to the Israeli vs. Palestine conflict?
  Israel is a terrorist State       10.94%
  Palestine is a terrorist State       23.44%
  Palestine has no claim on anything since the last war       6.25%
  Israel should withdraw and allow Palestine to become a State       9.38%
  Israel is only doing what the USA wants       3.12%
  Palestine is only doing what the Islamist want       1.56%
  Both people are equally blood hungry       10.94%
  Both people really want peace but are blind       9.38%
  Israel owns the Middle East       1.56%
  Israel does not belong in the Middle East       9.38%
  Palestine are angry because they were conquered       1.56%
  Palestine was there first and deserve their land       12.50%
Total Votes: 64
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Palestine Statehood Who Is Right? Should Palestine be its own soverign nation state? Why is the USA attempt to block this from happening? Is Israel using an apartheid system much like South Africa did where people are segregated into undesirable areas and become unable to access the basic necessities of life? Does Israel have a point that they have major security challenges against those trying to harm them? How can this be resolved or will it ever? Will there be a Palestine state?
Palestine vs. Israel Related Information to Palestine vs. Israel
Post Date: 7th Mar, 2003 - 7:47pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 2

Seems Israel is a live cancer - brutally intent on eliminating any Palestinian resistance to their goal of 'posessing' a 'homeland'.  Lacking weapons with which to defend themselves, Palestinians have been blowing themselves up in public places and/or throwing rocks and bottles at armored Israelite soldiers and their vehicles. Many Palestinian settlements have been ringed with barbed wire by the Israelis in the name of 'self-defense'.  Palestinians have been suffering for sure. Israel has been quite successful in its brutal campaign so far - meeting Palestinian rocks and suicide bombers with missiles and bulldozers.  Arafat is helpless to do anything and everyone knows it. The real Palestinian leaders have been assasinated by the Mossad over the past 20 years or so.  Of course, all this with the blessing of 3 billion dollar grants from the United States each year. And all of course in the name of defending a friendly state from terrorist factions.  In 1948, when Roosevelt offered the Jews a large parcel of land to settle in Wyoming or in Baja California (their choice), they should have taken it - it would have prevented the insanity going on there now.   In short, no one is right. The question should be 'Who has been more brutal?' Israel would win hands down.  

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7th Mar, 2003 - 11:30pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine

Seems Israel is a live cancer - brutally intent on eliminating any Palestinian resistance to their goal of 'posessing' a 'homeland'

So Nephi, you're basically saying that it is Israel's fault??

In 1948, when Roosevelt offered the Jews a large parcel of land to settle in Wyoming or in Baja California (their choice), they should have taken it - it would have prevented the insanity going on there now.  

You think so??? I think that they will still having the same problems!!!! instead of palestinians they will have the same americans giving them trouble!

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 5:13pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel Judaism Studies

Israel has certainly been the more brutal of the two.  Shatilla Camp back in 1985-6 was a stark reminder of that fact.

So long as the Israelis continue the way they're going now, they will continue to find themselves surrounded by enemies.

8th Mar, 2003 - 5:32pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Israel vs Palestine

So long as the Israelis continue the way they're going now, they will continue to find themselves surrounded by enemies.

According to scripture I guess they are doing what they are supposed to do.

Post Date: 8th Mar, 2003 - 8:47pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Israel vs Palestine

Well, I don't want to get into the biblical aspect of anything, but,

what goes around comes around.

When the Israelites first hit Cannan they tried to wipe out the entire country. No wonder they have a hard time of it.

I have no sides in the Palestinian issue, but I do respect the Israelis as soldiers. They are bad news, any way you cut it.

8th Mar, 2003 - 9:07pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel

I have no sides in the Palestinian issue, but I do respect the Israelis as soldiers. They are bad news, any way you cut it.

Kay, a member on this forum is an Israeli soldier, I was hoping he would come tell us more about things from his point of view. He is more of your type Stranger. Do a search for his posts and you will see what I mean.

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8th Mar, 2003 - 11:07pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 2

Israel has certainly been the more brutal of the two.  Shatilla Camp back in 1985-6 was a stark reminder of that fact.  
So long as the Israelis continue the way they're going now, they will continue to find themselves surrounded by enemies.

So what would be the solution for you Nephiproject?

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2003 - 11:05am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel Studies Judaism - Page 2

My type?
I keep telling you folks I am a peace-loving man.
And I re-state my earlier contention that the Palestinians could have their State if they would take control of the radicals, put them in jail and stop bombing children on busses.

World pressure is intense on Israel. If they could get a break from those attacks, they would give the Palestinians what they want.

Think about it. It is in their interests economically to have a thriving trade with the Palestinians.

But would you negotiate with somebody that had just murdered your little girl?

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