Palestine vs. Israel - Page 108 of 110

The number of Palestinians who have evacuated - Page 108 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 16th Oct, 2023 - 3:48pm

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Poll: Which statement is the MOST true for you with regards to the Israeli vs. Palestine conflict?
  Israel is a terrorist State       10.94%
  Palestine is a terrorist State       23.44%
  Palestine has no claim on anything since the last war       6.25%
  Israel should withdraw and allow Palestine to become a State       9.38%
  Israel is only doing what the USA wants       3.12%
  Palestine is only doing what the Islamist want       1.56%
  Both people are equally blood hungry       10.94%
  Both people really want peace but are blind       9.38%
  Israel owns the Middle East       1.56%
  Israel does not belong in the Middle East       9.38%
  Palestine are angry because they were conquered       1.56%
  Palestine was there first and deserve their land       12.50%
Total Votes: 64
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Palestine Statehood Who Is Right? Should Palestine be its own soverign nation state? Why is the USA attempt to block this from happening? Is Israel using an apartheid system much like South Africa did where people are segregated into undesirable areas and become unable to access the basic necessities of life? Does Israel have a point that they have major security challenges against those trying to harm them? How can this be resolved or will it ever? Will there be a Palestine state?
Palestine vs. Israel Related Information to Palestine vs. Israel
Post Date: 26th May, 2021 - 10:50pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 108

Backed by Israeli police, Jewish settlers enter Al-Aqsa compound. The incident comes as a fragile ceasefire holds in besieged Gaza, days after the end of an 11-day Israeli bombing campaign. Source 1n.

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Post Date: 9th Jun, 2021 - 2:28pm / Post ID: #

Israel vs Palestine

'Laughable, naive': Palestinian party's move to join Israel government. Palestinian activists say the decision by the leader of the United Arab List party displays a 'fundamental misunderstanding’ of Israeli politics. Source 6u.

Post Date: 8th Oct, 2023 - 9:27pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Palestine vs. Israel Judaism Studies

Death toll nears 1,000 as Israel formally declares war. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says U.S. Officials are working to verify reports that several Americans have been killed in the conflict. Source 3r.

9th Oct, 2023 - 9:09am / Post ID: #

Page 108 Israel vs Palestine

I hope this two country either perish or fix whatever their damn problem, for some reason other country civilian feel obliged to join either side and bring chaos to their own country, despite its not even their own problem or ethnicity or even their homeland, trying to play hero and having moral highground like they don't have their own depravity.

Post Date: 11th Oct, 2023 - 1:30am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Israel vs Palestine

I think Israel started the problem and continues it in many ways with some of its own attacks on Palestinian civilians and driving them further out of their land. However, Hamas is way overboard and barbaric in their response to Israel’s activities. Targeting civilians and innocent people is inexcusable. At this point, it seems like on both sides, on this issue at least, its acts of retaliation after retaliation. I think there are terrorists on both sides and innocents on both sides. But our mainstream media likes to only push one side of the story, Israel’s.

Attached Image Edited: Wesley on 11th Oct, 2023 - 1:33am

11th Oct, 2023 - 7:22am / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel

Well because your country support Israel after all meanwhile my country who was majority muslim support Palestine so they push only that side, to the point they cheer when the palestine give my country an "L" sign. And I agree with you there is innocents and terrorist on both side, both are cesspool just like politic.

Though I feel bad for Israel even if they manage to take over Palestine, the neighbour will still gonna wage war with them like in the past, until the entire muslim or middle east and northern Africa region taken down.

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Post Date: 12th Oct, 2023 - 6:25pm / Post ID: #

Palestine vs. Israel
A Friend

Palestine vs. Israel - Page 108

Come to think of it, Palestine basically is under occupation when you think of how occupied they are by IDF forces. It’s pretty much an open-air prison in other words.

Post Date: 16th Oct, 2023 - 3:48pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Palestine vs. Israel Studies Judaism - Page 108

The number of Palestinians who have evacuated northern Gaza surpassed 600,000 as of Sunday ahead of an impending ground invasion by Israel. Source 8p.

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