China vs USA - Page 32 of 39

You really can't stop a nation that - Page 32 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 11th Dec, 2018 - 1:53pm

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USA versus China versus Chinese versus Americans The role of its Army, Politics, and Status in the World.
China vs USA Related Information to China vs USA
9th Jul, 2018 - 3:29am / Post ID: #

China vs USA - Page 32

One minute Trump loves the Chinese and the next he puts out tariffs and puts up barriers to furthering any relationship of trust. rolleyes.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 41 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4.1%

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Post Date: 9th Jul, 2018 - 8:51am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

USA China

US destroyers test China’s resolve. TWO US Navy destroyers have pushed through the narrow, tense waterway separating Taiwan and China in a clear signal to Beijing. Source 8u.

9th Jul, 2018 - 9:08am / Post ID: #

China vs USA History & Civil Business Politics

This is just a very slow American response to the Chinese doing the same thing earlier this year using one of their new aircraft carriers.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 38 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 3.8%

Post Date: 28th Sep, 2018 - 12:01pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 32 USA China

US bombers in showdown with China. AN escalating dispute between US President Donald Trump and China’s leader Xi Jinping has sparked a real-world response in the South China Sea. Source 6w.

Post Date: 3rd Oct, 2018 - 5:02am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

USA China

Chinese warship comes within 45 yards of colliding with San Diego-based destroyer. A Chinese destroyer made a series of “aggressive maneuvers” toward the San Diego-based guided-missile destroyer Decatur early Sunday in an incident the Navy called “unsafe and unprofessional.” Source 4q.

13th Nov, 2018 - 11:54pm / Post ID: #

China vs USA

While the Russians are a large super power no one should underestimate the might of the Chinese. They have the kind of will power and drive that is unlike anything seen on the planet.

International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 40 ActivistPoliticianSpecialist 4%

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Post Date: 14th Nov, 2018 - 2:40am / Post ID: #

China vs USA
A Friend

China USA - Page 32

China plays the game of probability which they can do because of how many people they have. What I mean about probability is that in any population there is a small % of people who will be genius and create ideas and things that others will not think of. Think about the population of China, how many geniuses do you think they have? I bet they have more than any other country combined.

I mention this because I remember going to Intell school in the Navy and on my first day the teacher asked something like "Hello everyone, I'd like to ask if you all know the various methods we can use to deflect or stop a missile from hitting us." People said all sorts of things that came to mind like flairs, and decoys and counter missiles and such. And the guy said yeah those are all traditional methods we have used, but what if we told you there is a country with a missile so advanced, that it can bypass all of our known methods to stop it? That the only way we currently have to deal with said missile, is to simply keep ourselves out of it's range?

I mention this because that missile is now declassified and can probably be google searched. It is a missile I believe that shoots off into space and then comes flying down to the target at speeds nothing can stop. Ofcourse the country who had this missile was China, and I ofcourse am American. This conversation at "Spy school" was in 2006. What does that mean? It means that regardless of what they tell you on TV about us being practically invincible on the battlefield, the truth is there are people out there in other countries who can design stuff that we cannot deal with. China being a country who houses many such people…

If you ask me the only real method America (Had) which they could have used to really stay on top is to not invest all it's money into the military (Like how they are today) but to invest EVERYTHING into education. Having the best weapons is not going to mean squat if the smartest people in the world are your enemies… Because those people will be able to "Think" of methods to deal with us that we can't even fathom, all because we can't be bothered to care enough about our own educational standards, we just focus on the cool toys that make things go boom… I feel sorry for this country honestly.

Attached Image Edited: Pureyang on 14th Nov, 2018 - 2:42am

11th Dec, 2018 - 1:53pm / Post ID: #

China USA Politics Business Civil & History - Page 32

You really can't stop a nation that wants to rise to power unless you go to war with them either economically or conventionally.

International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 22 ActivistPoliticianNew Activist 2.2%

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