Wow, the political agendas of everyone here is growing now so let me give some updates and then some tips.
First of all.... the news.
There is a lot for the US/UK to loose if they mess this up so they are searching more than ever before, but I wonder if the international community is involved in those searches too? I think the mad rush for all this involves the US going into Iran which they know they cannot do if they do not FIRST prove their alligations against Saddam for WMD.
Iran's foreign minister Friday denied U.S. accusations that al Qaeda
operatives in Iran may have played a role in the May 12 suicide blasts in
The search for Iraq's suspected weapons of mass destruction is being stepped
up as international pressure mounts for the coalition to produce evidence that
would support its decision to wage war on Iraq.
CIA Director George Tenet took the unusual step Friday of publicly defending the
agency's intelligence on Iraq's possession of chemical and biological weapons
amid growing criticism that the Bush administration exaggerated what it knew
about the Iraqi weapons programs to advance its case for going to war.
Second, this is just tips
@ BRIAN - learn how to use the quote tag man, it is hard to decipher what is your text and what you are quoting. Here is the link again to learn how CLICK HERE
@ billclymer - You posted the same paragraph (with slight word changes) in several places in the forum. It is only necessary once. That way users can reply to it and finish rather than see it all over. You may wish to update your profile so we can see what angle you are coming from. Thanks.
[offtopic]Brian what is up with that pic? You want to make us more blind than we already are? ;)[/offtopic]
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
"Iraq: U.S. Says Tractor-Trailers Prove Hussein Had Weapons Program
By Andrew F. Tully
Did the United States finally find the so-called "smoking gun" in Iraq? The White House says two mobile laboratories found recently provide "proof positive" that Saddam Hussein had illegal weapons programs. RFE/RL reports from Washington.
Washington, 30 May 2003 (RFE/RL) -- The White House says two tractor-trailers recently found in Iraq provide irrefutable evidence that deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein meant to continue producing biological weapons. "
Two tractor trailers full of so called lab equipment that could develope small amounts of anthrax, is not WMD unless you are really desperate. The lab didn't have ANY evidence that it had ever been used for chem/bio manufacturing or how old they were and even today Bush stated that we had found WMD and then proceeded to lie. Tractor trailers full of lab equipment are not weapons of mass destruction by themselves........ unless you can hurl alot of them at your enemies.
As you know WE gave anthrax/ technology to Iraq in the 80s and the British gave VX chemical technolgy to Iraq that they used on the Kurds and Iran. One of the questions I have is why did we/Briton give the wmd technology and not expect a desperate scurlious dictator not use it? DUH!
Looks like we are in for a repeat... isn't this how it started with Iraq?
From Deseret News:
Iran has not fully disclosed the extent of its atomic program to the U.N.
nuclear agency as required by international treaty, the agency said Friday as
its inspectors left for Tehran.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
I am just thinking out loud. ;)
How will this Iran scenario play out? It looks like Bush Jr didn't get the kind of enduring support that he was probably looking for after the Iraq war. The polls may show he is still enjoying good ratings, etc., but questions are starting to be raise .... in louder and louder voices, with regards to the reasons for going to war there. And upon reflection, Americans will start to see that Bush has done zilch for the economy. What he has done is to distract the all nation from the reality of their economic woes. Someone had said before , "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time".
So, when Bush was finally declared the president after so much wrangling over the votes count back then, did the people elected him to manage their country or did they elected him to conquer the rest of the world?
Is he going to start another war .... with Iran just to keep the support going - and most probably in the name of 'war against terrorism' - so that he may have a chance of being re-elected? Sooner or later the pocketbooks and stomachs of the American people need to be filled. The Economy will still be the major issue for the American people to focus on come 2004. Is another war that will definitely NOT be supported by any other country at all, the right tonic for Bush to take?
I think Iran is safe from an attack. No one will support Bush on any pre-emptive strike. Other than the nuclear issue which they are trying to twist into a 'so-called' menace and possibly the harboring of Al-qaeda, Bush has nothing else to grind against the Iranians. There is no dictator for him to conveniently go after. And the rest of the world is already telling him that you can't go around imposing your Christian (no offence meant here) values to others just because they prefer to differ.
I was wondering why no one has begun talking about this in the major news casts. I wonder if there were to be a major assault on the US itself, would they still have enough to protect homeland? Also, the more you send out fulltime soldiers, the more you have to call up reserves, and when you call up reserves to act as fulltime soldiers you get a whole bunch of people angry and uncomfortable:
From CSMonitor:
US force nears limit of its global stretch
The American military may be in danger of overextension. By Peter Grier
and Faye Bowers
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
I would really like someone from the Middle East to join this forum and share their input, because I often wonder if the feelings in the Middle East will ever change? Are reformists in Iran going to make the change or are the religious leaders, who seem to mix both religion and politics together, going to make the change on their behalf, if at all.
From CSMonitor:
Iranian hard-liners' grip tight as reformists regroup
Many reformists have become disenchanted by the inability of their
leaders to loosen conservatives' hold over Iranian politics. By
Nicholas Birch
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 100%
Did you all hear about the huge earthquake in Iran? 50,000 people dead! Oh my gosh, it was so terrible. I'm very happy that the United States is helping them a lot, specially building hospitals for the survivors, and also all the countries that get together to help this people.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Yes, it is terrible. It is hard to understand such a large loss of life for a relatively small quake. It was low 6's right. I mean there was one in California just last week in that same range and only 2 died. It goes to show how important building codes are in quake prone areas for saving lives. I know many in this country are poor, but the country itself is not. So, I hope when they rebuild they do so with safety in mind. What an aweful human tragedy!
I think it shows some good in humanity that we can put political differences aside at a time like this and just remember that we are all humans and help where we can.
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%