Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War? - Page 3 of 39

QUOTE I have lived and worked in Saudi Arabia - Page 3 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 6th Feb, 2003 - 10:22am

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24th Jan, 2003 - 3:57pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War? - Page 3

U are a jurnalist.. and i am a solder of ,y home country.. u know what are the feelings of lost? thinking if u friends will come back frome the patrol or their tank is going to blow-up on a mine? my friend has a wife that afraids to go on a bus.. do u afraid when u going on a bus?
or were u standing on a check post in jerusalem, and thinking *humm does that guy carries a bomb or not*
did u? u know only the bright side of a story...

Of course I don't know that for a fact, I don't live in Israel, so how I could possibly know that?. As I said before, I do understand your feelings and fears, I think all this is so sad, so terrible. My point was just the statement you made about the Arabs in general. But I guess that you being a soldier, they speak like that all the time.

i hate the words israelien solders kill some innocent arabs.. u know who is a good arab? that one thats live in israel, that one that ready to help, that one that lost hes motherfathersonwife... now that a good arab, because he will do every thing to help the country...

Oh there are good arabs after all then ;) Well, that's what I was trying to say, we cannot condem a whole nation because of some evil people who don't want peace. I don't stand in any side, but I do support those people whether they are israelites or arabs who want a complete peace in the Middle East. Personally, I don't think that it will never reach a peaceful final until the Second Coming of JesusChrist. But anyway, this is not the religion forum :)

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25th Jan, 2003 - 9:07pm / Post ID: #

War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

How do you think this war will go... give a rough scenaio.

From CNN:

Military documents smuggled out of Iraq in the past month suggest that Saddam
Hussein is preparing to use chemical and biological weapons against troops
invading Baghdad, the British Broadcasting Corp. reported on Friday.

The US says it has proof and will release it soon. Do you think this will be credible proof or just a statement?

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Post Date: 29th Jan, 2003 - 5:07pm / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War? History & Civil Business Politics

al least we understand each other.. =)
well lets hope they wont be so stupid to use this wepons

1st Feb, 2003 - 1:30am / Post ID: #

Page 3 War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

So what are we saying here... the US ivades or bombs Iraq and Iraq responds with bio chemical weapons and the US immediately decides to use a nuke?

One scarry thing about this - terrorists do not war in the battle field but among civilians. I believe any onslaught against Iraq will mean attacks against US and Allies through killing civilians.

From Deseret News:

A classified document signed by President Bush specifically allows for the use
of nuclear weapons in response to biological or chemical attacks, apparently
changing a decades-old U.S. policy of deliberate ambiguity, the Washington Times
is reporting in its Friday edition.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

5th Feb, 2003 - 9:18pm / Post ID: #

War Arms Show Disarm Iraq

Well here it is... the 'evidence' is out... is it substantial enough for you? Do you think Powell's speech to the UN Security Council is grounds enough for war?

Secretary of State Colin Powell, methodically making his case that Iraq had
defied all demands that it disarm, presented tape recordings, satellite photos
and informant statements Wednesday that he said constituted "irrefutable and
undeniable" evidence that Saddam Hussein is concealing weapons of mass

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

6th Feb, 2003 - 12:47am / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?

I think that the point here is not anymore whether Iraq possess or not weapons of mass destruction BUT whether the world wants a war or not. I think regardless of the evidence, most people would like to resolve this matter peacefully. But for some unknown reason the USA has this 'rush' to bomb Iraq no matter what and that's why they're not getting the response and support they're looking for. Let's remind everybody that time ago Pres. Bush said that with or without the UN support the USA is going to war with all the 'teathre' of the UN inspectors is not good anymore for the USA because it's not serving his purpose...

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Post Date: 6th Feb, 2003 - 1:36am / Post ID: #

Iraq - Disarm - Show Your Arms - War?
A Friend

Iraq Disarm Show Arms War - Page 3

I have lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for a total of more than 13 years stretching back to 1982. Everyone in the area knows and understands and apparently accepts the fact that Saddam Hussein and both his sons are clinically insane. He's a thug who wields power through terror among his own people.  He's paranoid of threats to his regime. I hoped the Elder Bush would have taken him out of power during the 1st Gulf War but it wasn't politically feasible. Bush Jr. is now setting out to do what his father should have done in 1990-91 -take his family out of power.  Iraq is too great an asset to the world economy to let it  rot under Saddam. Yes, this is about natural resources (oil) and the security of the world's oil supply in the Gulf Region.  It is also a humanitarian mission that will rid the world of a dangerous dictator who has already massacred many of his own people and has even had his own son shot and crippled.  His overthrow will certainly create more chaos at first but I am confident that given a year or two, things will begin to get better.  I don't think it will be an easy war. I fear that Saddam will bait the americans into Baghdad and then explode at least one or two 'dirty' nuclear devices to destroy Baghdad and its Iraqi inhabitants (including the Americans who are occupying it). He may also do the same to his oil fields. This could get ugly. Saddam knows how to survive and will do anything to claim even a brief catastrophic victory over his vanquishers. Anything goes and Sadam knows it. I'm all for the war and I pray Saddam doesn't do what I have just described but I'm sorry to say it might happen.  

6th Feb, 2003 - 10:22am / Post ID: #

Iraq Disarm Show Arms War Politics Business Civil & History - Page 3

I have lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for a total of more than 13 years stretching back to 1982.

That is interesting. You will be able to contribute well to other threads here then about the Middle East. Especially the thread called, 'Bin Laden, Friend or Foe'

Bush Jr. is now setting out to do what his father should have done in 1990-91 -take his family out of power

I gather you are a Republican? :) We have a member called, 'BrianT' - he will love you.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3238 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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