Why Does The USA Support Israel? - Page 3 of 5

Israel's Sadistic Reprisals Help Shore - Page 3 - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 14th Jul, 2017 - 5:02pm

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U.S.A. The country is in the Middle East, so far from the USA, but yet still the US will defend it? USA vs. Israel
Why Does The USA Support Israel? Related Information to Why Does The USA Support Israel?
Post Date: 29th Apr, 2015 - 2:20am / Post ID: #

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Why Does The USA Support Israel? - Page 3

Why Is Pakistan More Legitimate than Israel?

Whenever I have received a call from a listener to my radio show challenging Israel’s legitimacy, I have asked these people if they ever called a radio show to challenge any other country’s legitimacy. In particular, I ask, have they ever questioned the legitimacy of Pakistan? The answer, of course, is always “no.” In fact, no caller ever understood why I even mentioned Pakistan. There are two reasons for this. First, of all the 200-plus countries in the world, only Israel’s legitimacy is challenged. So mentioning any other country seems strange to a caller.... Ref. Source 5

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Post Date: 8th Jun, 2015 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #

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Israel Support USA The Why

The U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of a federal statute that allowed Americans born in Jerusalem to list Israel as the place of birth on their passport.

The decision is a victory for the executive branch and affirms that "The power to recognize foreign states and governments and their territorial bounds is exclusive to the presidency." Ref. CNN

24th Jun, 2015 - 8:48pm / Post ID: #

Why Does The USA Support Israel? Judaism Studies

In answer to the original question - there are many influential Jews living in the USA. Mix that together with religious zealots who want to 'protect' Christ's birthplace and you have enough support to put an American hand over there.

13th Apr, 2016 - 3:46pm / Post ID: #

Page 3 Israel Support USA The Why

I've wondered this many times - why does America support Israel. I've boiled it down to keeping the Arab states from getting out of control. Israel acts like an extension of military force in the area.

Post Date: 15th Sep, 2016 - 1:32pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Israel Support USA The Why

U.S. $38B military aid package to Israel sends message to adversaries

The United States agreed Wednesday to provide Israel a record $3.8 billion a year in new military aid over the next decade. The pact is a sign of the two nations' close alliance despite major differences over Iran's nuclear program and other policies. Ref. USAToday.

Post Date: 4th Dec, 2016 - 4:17am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Why Does The USA Support Israel?

Most Democrats consider Israel is 'a burden' on US:

While a majority of Americans (57%) said they would like President-elect Donald Trump to be an impartial mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, 57% also said they believed Trump would lean towards Israel in any negotiations. Ref. Source 2f.

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Post Date: 21st May, 2017 - 10:15pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Why The USA Support Israel - Page 3

The Real Danger from Trump Is Ignored. By Sheldon Richman. Israel will tolerate no Middle East power that is not sufficiently obeisant to the American-Israeli agenda. Ref. Source 5j.

Post Date: 14th Jul, 2017 - 5:02pm / Post ID: #

Why The USA Support Israel Studies Judaism - Page 3

Israel's Sadistic Reprisals Help Shore Up A Sense Of Victimhood By Jonathan Cook. The west has indulged Israel's wallowing in victimhood. Source 1k.

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