That might make it through SC's legislature, but it will never last long term. It is a clear violation of the first amendment, countries do not, and can never, enjoy the discrimination protections of an individual.
I've long tried to find a middle ground in terms of the issue with Israel. Regardless of the questions of the state coming to exist, that is their home now, and they are defending themselves from hostile forces. But the state also initiates many questionable acts, and questioning them is not in itself by any reasonable definition, antisemitism.
Let's go with a source that isn't vehemently anti-Israel to start with, and read the facts of the bill :Jpost SC Bill This bill is not preventing legitimate criticism of Israel, it is preventing double standards, demonization and delegitimization as defined by the US Senate in 2010. It defines anti-Semitism to include denial of Israel's right to exist, holding it up to double standards, etc, the same as it does when applies to the Jewish people. It specifically even states within the Bill that it does not exclude the right to criticize Israel as a country the same as you can with any other country.
Information clearing house is a rabid anti-Jew, anti-progress, conspiracy theory laden digital rag that is just barely less ugly than Al-Jazeera when it comes to cherry-picking tidbits of information or distorting facts. Read their home page for their 'articles' and you'll see just how twisted they and their writers are. Edited: Gknightbc on 26th Apr, 2018 - 1:25pm
Regardless to if America supports Israel or not or even personal opinions on the matter one thing is for sure. There are many Jews in America and their voice is very strong reaching deep into government and influencing many things such as this legislation. I am not saying that is wrong or right I am just pointing out the deep roots between Israel and America.