Navy Seals in trouble...
For roughing up a terrorist? And not just any terrorist - the one who masterminded killing civilian contractors and dragging their bodies through the streets of Iraq. And the horrible torture these evil Navy Seals put him through? A fat lip. Is this the way we thank our troops? The fact that our government continues to give the benefit of the doubt to murdering terrorist thugs over our men and women in uniform, has Glenn raising some tough questions for the commander-in-chief. What are they? Ref. Source 4
Luttrell's take
Marcus Luttrell, the Lone Survivor, spoke with Glenn on radio today to talk about the Navy Seals who were court martialed for giving a high level terrorist a fat lip. You don't have to be a scholar to figure out that Marcus isn't too sympathetic to the plight of the terrorist, but there was one thing that Marcus and Glenn disagreed on. What was it? Listen to the interview: Source 5
Navy Seal update...
The latest on the four Navy Seals being tried because they slapped around a terrorist. A terrorist who murdered American contractors in Iraq and dragged their dead bodies through the streets. Glenn talks with retired Seal Marcus Luttrell, who says he'd rather be 'killed over there' than be in the courts over here. What punishment should the Seals get, if any? Glenn and Marcus discuss. Ref. Source 4
Elite Navy SEALs let actions do their talking
The famously closed-mouthed SEAL community, based and trained in Coronado, remained true to tradition Monday and wouldn't even confirm that their comrades performed the historic dark-of-night raid Sunday in Pakistan. Ref. Source 7
SEALs killed in Afghan crash on rescue mission
The U.S. Navy SEALs and other troops whose helicopter was shot down in eastern Afghanistan had rushed to the mountainous area to help a U.S. Army Ranger unit that was under fire from insurgents, two U.S. Officials said Sunday. Ref. Source 5