4th-generation southern white rhino born in Ohio
Animals and Pets Related News
AP - Officials at a southeast Ohio conservation center say a southern white rhinoceros could be the first fourth-generation member of the threatened species born in any other North American managed herd.
Source: Yahoo! News: Animals & Pets News
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Nola the white rhino may be last of her kind
The queen of the San Diego Zoo Safari Park loves apples and a good toenail trimming. She is indifferent to carrots and not at all fond of antibiotics. She enjoys a soak ... Ref. Source 4f
Trying to save the northern white rhino
Six southern white rhinos from South Africa arrived at the San Diego Zoo late Thursday in hopes they'll become surrogate mothers for the critically endangered northern white rhino. They will not be on public display. Just four northern white rhinos are left in the world. Ref. Source 3i
A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair.
One of world's last northern white rhinos dies
Nola, one of four endangered northern white rhinos left in the world, died at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The 41-year-old rhino was euthanized when her health deteriorated over the weekend. Nola came to the park in 1989 and was a visitor favorite. Ref. Source 8k