Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean!

Number Death Caribbean - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 8th Dec, 2002 - 12:13pm

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It is sad but true and there seems to be very little anyone can do about it getting out of control.
Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean! Related Information to Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean!
28th Nov, 2002 - 5:41pm / Post ID: #

Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean!

Want to know what is the number one cause of death in the Caribbean?

Heart Attack you say? No!

The answer: AIDS!

Recently we had some Hollywood stars visit Trinidad. What were they here for? They heard how bad the aids epidemic is here in the Caribbean an came to see how they could help. Bruce Willis was one of them.

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Post Date: 3rd Dec, 2002 - 12:38pm / Post ID: #

Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean!
A Friend

Caribbean the Death of One Number

I will like to get the facts on that,,,Cancer have to be right up there,,,,,cancer comes in many forms and fashion,,,,,will like to see your facts on that

3rd Dec, 2002 - 2:49pm / Post ID: #

Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean! Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Selman, I think the Express or the Guardian recently has a big article about it (Number One cause in the Caribbean is AIDS), I'm not amazed at all! Are you???

3rd Dec, 2002 - 6:36pm / Post ID: #

Caribbean the Death of One Number

[I will like to get the facts on that,,,Cancer have to be right up there,,,,,cancer comes in many forms and fashion,,,,,will like to see your facts on that

You seem suprised. It was in the local paper as LDSforever said. Even now they have ads on the TV showing a guy with aids and saying how he is shunned by people because of his disease, actors are flying in to help and loads is going on with it now... all of this because it is a serious epidemic.

Could it be that because the mentality down here surrounds sex and drugs?
I think this is a big part of it. Women have to say, "NO" more and the men have to stop drinking so they can think straight and live productive lives!

4th Dec, 2002 - 3:49pm / Post ID: #

Caribbean the Death of One Number

I think people need more information about AIDS, more campaigns, more things related to this terrible dicease and in this way they will be able to educate themselves more and know what are the consequences of unprotected sex, or use of drugs but let's remember also that there are people who don't do these things but they can still get infected with it....

Post Date: 4th Dec, 2002 - 7:53pm / Post ID: #

Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean!
A Friend

Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean!

Not to sure that their is any figures about aids,,,but I know for a fact that more people are educated about living with HIV and are living longer and healtheir lives,,,lets remember that people that are HIV positive are not deem a death penalty, some are now living with the virus for 20-25yrs and their are no traces of the virus in their bodies,,,,,,more to come

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6th Dec, 2002 - 3:53pm / Post ID: #

Number One of Death the Caribbean

yes but still being a big issue since more and more people get infected every day so something must be failing in the process of communication...

Post Date: 8th Dec, 2002 - 12:13pm / Post ID: #

Number One Cause of Death in the Caribbean!
A Friend

Number One of Death the Caribbean Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

I think the LACK OF EDUCATION, about HIV might be the problem,,,not aids,,,,lets us start teaching our kids about the HIV virus and what it do to the body,,,,,,I have learn so much about AIDS that i think that a lot of people are miseducated,,,,we focus so much on aids(yes it is important),,,but lets focus on the virus that causes it,,,,,lets start telling people that we have toprotect ourselves from getting this virus,,,lets start doing the real things as parents and tell our KIDS about AIDS AND THE VIRUS THAT CAUSES IT,,,,,,lots of parents will get angry with me,,but from the time my son reach 12 i started having SEX TALKS WITH HIM,,,YEP,,, I did any parents that think that in today world  that kids don't know about sex ,,,they will be in for a rude awakeing,,,,kids in today world know more that we as parents think,,we could blame to movie and tv industrie,,but the fact is that they know,,,,we have to look at this as a long term process,,,we have to tackle the problem from the root,,and i think the home is where we have to start,,,lets start by talking to our kids,,,,let parents start telling kids to protect themselves when ever they decide to go out and have sex ,,,,yes one should not have sex before they get married,,,sure,,,but that aint working and have not been working for centuries,,,,,,,,,,,,more to come,,,,,

yes but still being a big issue since more and more people get infected every day so something must be failing in the process of communication...

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