War Of The Gods - Game - Page 13 of 31

Feroz having his answer leaves Dorian and - Page 13 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 22nd Jul, 2010 - 4:58am

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War Of The Gods D&D 3.5 - Scenario is published here with Testsubject1 as DM
20th Jul, 2010 - 8:44am / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Game - Page 13

Feroz will gather back his equipment and search the boat for any clues that might remain. He ponders the change of plans from sailing aboard a ship to being targeted by a flying pirate ship. He contemplates many things while enjoying the sea ride. Most of which what he will do once he lands, if he does.

Feroz was always living in the moment. At this moment he was determined to enjoy his boat ride.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 20th Jul, 2010 - 8:46am

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20th Jul, 2010 - 10:31am / Post ID: #

Game Gods The War

Un'Rogaar will scoop up his sword, wipe his own blood from it, and hobble back to his cabin. A good 6-8 hours and he will be ready to assist with any repairs, but for now he will be resting and constructively contemplating his mistakes from the previous few battles.

OOC: On a side-note, I am almost level 4. smile.gif

Post Date: 20th Jul, 2010 - 11:02pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Game
A Friend

War Of The Gods - Game Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Wolter will head back down to the room where he left the two dogs guarding the half elf waitress and Liz. He will look at both to see if there is any change in their condition. He will make sure the dogs are doing well and get some attention. He will dress their wounds better. Get them some food and drink and have them lay down but still be ready in case something happens. He will then go the the other room where the fight with the halflings took place and give it a good look over to see if they missed anything. After which he will go back into Liz's room and get some much needed rest.

21st Jul, 2010 - 6:19am / Post ID: #

Page 13 Game Gods The War

When arriving in the room it is not as expected, One dog appears dead Liz's body is not how you left it but contorted on the floor against the wall and the half elf waitress is nowhere in sight.

As you tend to the dogs wounds you realize its just unconscious but stable. The blink dog seems to be doing ok and appreciates the dressing of its wounds. Liz's condition appears to be from when the ship rocked. She has well and truly passed over.

As you go to enter the room across the hall (where the halflings were) A stern old raspy voice snaps,
"Stay out! Ju, Just Stay out! and don't touch ANYTHING!"
as an old wrinkly and grumpy in appearance gnome hobbles to the door way leaning heavily on a walking stick.

"my god the mess" he says to himself as he put's his hand to his forehead.
He lets out a sigh then slams the door and you hear him mutter from the other side, "Oh god that halfling bled on my schematics"

If you wish to rest in liz's room you will get a good 8 hour rest and awake the same time as the halfgiant next door.

21st Jul, 2010 - 7:33am / Post ID: #

Game Gods The War

Feroz is enjoying the ocean breeze and residual adrenaline from the battle when little thoughts keep plaguing his peace. Were did this air ship come from, what were they after?

He can no longer ignore the numbing thoughts that are distracting him from the moment. Feroz makes his was to Dorian and questions the seemingly crazed person.

"Who was on this ship that was so important? My life was at stake and I helped save us from capture or worse, death. I demand to know what our cargo truly was. What was so valuable that all our lives were wagered on?"

Feroz stands as Nargoz, waiting for Dorian's response. He is stone faced and using his serious voice.

Reconcile Edited: Oliron on 21st Jul, 2010 - 7:34am

21st Jul, 2010 - 11:15am / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Game

While Feroz as Nargoz stands giving Dorian stern demands, Dorian stares confusedly at Feroz's forehead,

"Where is the mark? did you not kill the ogre Urgof?"

Dorian will eventually explain

The gods agreed to never show favor to a child of their own, so many chose to bless there grandchildren or third generation.

By coincidence, fate or planning these third generation, god blessed, born to a demi god creatures are all meeting adolescence and battle age and being released from hiding in the past harvest cycle.

That ogre was one of them, and his grandfather who ever it may be will be sending him back shortly. Urgof believes he remains undefeated by defeating any who beat him, and marks them as he leaves.

There are 6 known of crystals that can cut the connection to the god, I believe that was what he was after. And whoever now bears the mark is going to want to find it before Urgof returns...

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Post Date: 21st Jul, 2010 - 9:04pm / Post ID: #

War Of The Gods - Game
A Friend

War The Gods Game - Page 13

Wolter will rest in Liz's room after he straightens it up. He is puzzled as to where the half elf waitress has gone. He will check for any hidden passages into this room once he wakes up. He will tell the blink dog to stand guard as he rests.

22nd Jul, 2010 - 4:58am / Post ID: #

War The Gods Game D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 13

Feroz having his answer leaves Dorian and searches for the one bearing the mark. He checks the forehead of the two he fought with and then himself without his disguise.

> TOPIC: War Of The Gods - Game


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